Chapter 2

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"Welcome, Your Highness," the manager of the Eau Brink Rehoming Centre, Mrs. Penny Skate, greeted, dropping into a quick curtsy before shaking Jackie's hand.

"Thank you for having me, I've been meaning to visit for a long time," Jackie said graciously, taking in the outside of the shelter. It was a modest building set in the beautiful scenery of Norfolk.

"Please, come inside," Mrs. Skate said, motioning for Jackie to follow her as the paparazzi snapped away. A few members of the press were allowed to follow, trailing just a few steps behind.

Jackie waved to the staff that had lined up to greet her. She was wearing black pants and a blouse, carefully draped to hide the remains of her baby bump -- as Elizabeth had noted, it had flattened out considerably faster than when she had Mary Kate. A nude blazer topped off the look.

Jackie was given a tour of the kennels, which housed about fifty dogs, cats, and rabbits

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Jackie was given a tour of the kennels, which housed about fifty dogs, cats, and rabbits. She felt herself getting a bit emotional at the sight of all the homeless animals, and had a strong urge to take them all back to York Cottage with her. She had a feeling Harry wouldn't appreciate it.

"Harry and I adopted our dog from a shelter in London," Jackie remembered fondly, thinking back to the day she had surprised Harry with puppy Rupert, nearly five years before.

"We really appreciate your advocacy for adopting animals instead of purchasing them," Mrs. Skate gushed. "How has Rupert adjusted to having the children around?"

"Oh, he's so gentle with them. Mary Kate likes to toss a ball for him, and he's very patient. Though she can't throw very far, yet," Jackie laughed.

"How sweet," Mrs. Skate giggled, her eyes shining. The reporters quickly scribbled on their notepads, recording the remark. Any time Jackie, Harry, Kate, or Will mentioned the children, it always made the front page.

Jackie helped clean a kennel, socialized with a few excited cats, dogs, and rabbits, and sat in on an adoption interview.

When her hour-long engagement came to a close, Mrs. Skate escorted Jackie to the door.

"I wish I could take some of them home with me, but Harry wouldn't appreciate it, I'm afraid," Jackie said with a laugh. "We've already got our hands full."

Mrs. Skate beamed. "Well, if you've ever got an open bed to fill, we'll be here."


"George, why don't you show Mary Kate your trains?" Kate suggested, settling down onto her couch, a cup of tea in hand.

George took Mary Kate's hand and led her into the nearby playroom, much to Kate and Jackie's amusement.

"He loves those trains, he could play for hours. Will knows all about them," Kate said with a smile. "What's Mary Kate like to play?"

"She just loves taking care of her baby dolls. The one you got her for her birthday is her favorite, I think," Jackie answered. "She likes how it makes the sucking noise when you put the bottle in its mouth. She always listens when Caroline and Cece eat now."

Kate grinned. "I'm glad she likes it."

Jackie stirred a spoonful of honey into her tea before curling up on the couch in Kate's sitting room. She had brought Mary Kate over for one of many weekly playdates with George. Caroline and Cece were napping back at York Cottage with Harry, while Charlotte slept just upstairs in Anmer Hall.

"What have you been up to, besides your engagement?" Kate asked.

"Oh, nothing," Jackie sighed. She smiled. "Harry and I have been discussing something rather huge, actually."

"What?" Kate asked curiously. "Tell me you aren't getting another dog. I knew going to the animal shelter would get you thinking."

Jackie laughed. "Not another dog. But maybe another baby."

Kate's jaw nearly dropped. "Another baby?"

Jackie nodded. "I've convinced Harry."

"Well, congratulations," Kate said, reaching to give Jackie a hug. "And good luck. You're going to need it."

"It may take a few months of trying, nursing makes it hard to conceive again," Jackie noted.

"I think that's nature's way of telling you it's too soon to have another baby," Kate teased.

Jackie shrugged. "Good point. So I suppose there's no chance of another 'Duchess Duo' pregnancy?"

Kate shook her head vehemently. "Not. A. Chance."


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Caroline and Cece, happy birthday to you!" Jackie and Harry sang in unison.

The now three-month-old twins flashed gummy grins and flapped their arms up and down in unison, their eyes still sleepy. Jackie and Harry had woken the twins up together that morning, August 3rd -- their three month birthday.

"My girls have gotten so big!" Jackie cooed, reaching into Caroline's crib to scoop her up. Caroline continued to smile as Jackie covered her face in kisses.

Harry picked up Cece, who let out an excited shriek. "It's your birthday!" Harry gasped, holding Cece so that their noses touched.

"Should we go wake up your sister?" Jackie asked the twins, who responded with smiles.

Harry and Jackie changed the twins and dressed them in matching onesies, carrying them down the hall from their nursery to Mary Kate's bedroom.

"Oh, Mary," Jackie called softly, gently opening the door.

Harry quietly opened the blinds, letting in the light of the early morning. It was 7:45 am, it was quite unusual that the girls had allowed them to sleep in so late.

Mary Kate was curled up on her brand new "big girl bed," a twin bed with temporary side rails to keep her from rolling out.

"Mary Kate, are you ready to wake up?" Jackie asked softly, sitting on the edge of her daughter's bed and gently rubbing her arm. "Your sisters are here to say good morning."

Mary Kate opened her eyes, looking around with confusion. She immediately started crying, crawling onto Jackie's lap.

"Oh no," Harry whispered. "We should have let her sleep."

Obviously, Mary Kate wasn't ready to wake up yet as she cried into Jackie's shirt. "I'm sorry," Jackie said, trying not to laugh. "Go back to bed."

It was too late. The noise of Mary Kate's cries triggered a domino effect -- both Caroline and Cece began to wail as well.

Jackie attempted to comfort both Caroline and Mary Kate, while Harry rocked Cece back and forth. After about five minutes of simultaneous crying, Jackie and Harry managed to get Mary Kate back to sleep before taking the twins down to the sitting room for their morning feedings.

"Goodness," Harry laughed, when there was finally a moment of silence.

"We've learned never to wake Mary Kate up again," Jackie said with a smile. "Imagine how bad she'll be as a teenager."

"Don't remind me," Harry groaned, flopping his head back onto the couch. "Three teenage girls, maybe even four."

Jackie smiled. "It's a good thing you're patient."

"Fifteen years from now, I won't have any hair left."


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This part is dedicated to @-itsLiv- the first person to vote!

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