Chapter 16

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Jackie craned her neck, looking excitedly at Kensington Palace, which loomed in the distance against the London skyline. She'd just touched down at Northolt, a Royal Air Force Base about 40 minutes outside of the city. Her week long stay in Aleppo was over, but the experience would live her with forever. 

Each day Jackie was there, a bomb was dropped. She provided medical treatment to about 75 people, and saw at least twice as many die in the rubble. She cared for victims from age 6 months to 83 years. The camera crew obtained hours and hours of footage of Jackie in Aleppo and were thrilled to move on to the editing process. Jackie would be sent a script, which she would record in a voice studio in London, narrating the movie. The film was set to premiere in New York City in the end of January 2016, just under 2 months away. 

The remarkable thing about Jackie's trip was that she never felt in danger. Her mind was so appalled at what she saw, she never once thought about if she may die. There was so much death and devastation around her, she felt like she wasn't in reality. She hoped that her role in the film would call attention to the forgotten people of Syria. 

The car, driven by a Kensington Palace chauffeur, pulled to a stop in front of the private entrance. Jackie didn't wait for him to open the door, she leapt out and hurried inside. The Palace smelled like home, but for the first time, Jackie really noticed all the details. Carpets instead of dirt floors, walls covered in priceless works of art rather than cracks, running water and heat and a kitchen down stairs stocked with enough food to sustain a small village for weeks. And her children were inside somewhere, in no danger of being bombed while sleeping in their cribs or playing in the garden. Jackie thought of the little girl she had helped her first day in Aleppo, her innocence marred by explosions. Mary Kate, Caroline, Cece, George, and Charlotte would never know such a world. They were safe and happy and healthy and more privileged than they would ever understand -- without her help. Jackie promised herself she would never allow the children to take their lives for granted. When they were old enough, she would show them that there was a lot of evil in the world, and that their birthright gave them the power to put a stop to it. 

Jackie found herself outside of Kensington 1B. She took a deep breath, her face breaking into a smile as she opened the door. The apartment had been decorated for Christmas -- which came in just under three weeks-- in her absence, probably by Mrs. Woodsworth, the family's housekeeper. Before she left for her trip, Jackie made them promise not to get a tree without her. 

The sound of pattering footsteps came from the kitchen. 

"Who is that?" a voice Jackie longed for asked. Harry.

"Who?" another voice answered, sweet and angelic, like the sound of wind chimes. 

"Go see!" Harry urged. 

The little footsteps approached the entrance hall. Mary Kate turned the corner, her blue eyes shining. Jackie smiled so widely she thought her cheeks would burst. 

"Mummy!" Mary Kate shrieked, running to Jackie and throwing herself into her mother's arms. Jackie hugged her daughter to her chest, kissing her and stroking her honey-colored hair, which seemed so much longer even though it had only been a week since she'd seen it. Jackie savored the moment, a new-found appreciation every little detail about her daughter. 

"I missed you!" Jackie cooed. 

Mary Kate grinned excitedly. "Me too!" 

Jackie looked past Mary Kate to see Caroline and Cece crawling towards her as fast as their little arms and legs could carry them. They both wore huge gummy grins, letting out happy coos. Jackie sat on the floor, showering her children with attention and hugs and kisses. Mary Kate went on and on about what she had done that week -- played with her cousins, went to a park with her Daddy, watched Toy Story. Though the two-year-old's vocabulary was small and sometimes difficult to understand, Jackie listened intently, nodding and asking questions. Mary Kate had no idea of the horrors Jackie had seen, and she wouldn't for a long time. For the time being, she would think her trip down the curly slide at the park was the most important thing in the world. 

Jackie looked up to see Harry standing at the end of the hallway, his arms crossed, watching his daughters crawling all over their mum. He wore a satisfied smile. Jackie smiled back. She know knew a small part of the hard times he had gone through in Afghanistan, she understood his desire to do something risky to serve the greater good, to set himself apart from the rest. 

Jackie stood up, meeting Harry halfway. They hugged each other, closer now than ever. 

"How was it?" Harry asked, not letting go. 

Jackie thought for a moment, speaking into his shoulder. "Indescribable." 

Jackie could feel the children climbing at their feet, wanting the attention back on them. Harry smiled. "We've had a lot of fun this week." 

Jackie laughed, but soon felt tears in her eyes. She put a hand on either side of Harry's face, resting her forehead against his. 

"What's the matter?" Harry asked, smiling sympathetically. 

Jackie gave him a kiss. "I just love you so much." 


Jackie snuggled under the covers, enjoying the feeling of the silky-smooth fabric against her skin. "It feels so good to sleep in a proper bed again." 

"Did you sleep on a cot there?" Harry asked, climbing in next to Jackie. 

She nodded. "It was so hot during the day and so cold at night." She propped herself up on her elbows so she could look at Harry. "You know what it's like." 

Harry looked thoughtful. "I got used to it. Sometimes I sort of miss sleeping in the barracks... hot, smelly, all alone in a tiny cot." 

Jackie laughed. "Aw, poor Harry." She wiggled over to him, throwing her limbs around his body, just wanting to be close to him. 

"What's your favorite memory from the trip?" Harry asked, wrapping his arms around Jackie. 

Jackie thought for a moment. "I think seeing how similar the families there are to the families here. I saw one father putting on a puppet show for a group of children to distract them, it was a little duck that fit on his hand, just like the one we have. They're just like us." 

Harry smiled. "I think the documentary is really going to make a difference, especially now that you are involved. You're helping them reach a larger audience." 

Jackie rested her head against Harry's chest. "I hope you're right. They want us to attend the premiere in New York City, I thought we could make a weekend of it, leave the girls with Nanny Sophia." 

Harry's phone rang on his night stand. "Hold that thought," he said, checking the caller ID. "I need to take this." 

"Who's calling so late?" Jackie asked. 

Harry was already out the door, standing in the hall just outside of their bedroom. 

Jackie listened, a bit annoyed, trying to catch a bit of the conversation.  Harry's voice, hushed, said "-call this late, she'll know-" 

Jackie turned her head, listening intently. She could hear a woman's voice on the other end, but it was impossible to say if she recognized the voice or not. 

"-yeah, okay, that sounds good. Goodnight." 

Harry returned to find Jackie resting back against her pillows, her brow arched. "Who was that?" 

"Someone from the office, for an engagement." 

Harry was a terrible liar. 

Jackie brushed it off as Harry returned his phone to its spot on the stand, hopping back into bed. "Where were we?" he asked, pulling Jackie towards him under the sheets. 

She rolled her eyes. "Going to sleep." 

"You can go to sleep, but I'm not," Harry teased, giving her a kiss. 

Jackie sighed, letting out a laugh. "Oh, fine." 


Jackie is safe back at the Palace! I hope you all enjoyed, keep up the suggestions! 

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