Chapter 17

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I love this version of the traditional New Year song. Listen while you read!


"Three more minutes!" Kate called, quickly filling champagne flutes.

Jackie pulled a blanket over herself, settling down onto the couch in Anmer Hall's sitting room. It was New Year's Eve, 2016 just two minutes and 50 seconds away. The Windsors and Cambridges were celebrating together at Will and Kate's Sandringham home. The children had fallen asleep long ago, having a slumber party in Charlotte's nursery. Mary Kate and George were thrilled to sleep together on the floor in the brand new sleeping bags they had gotten for Christmas.

"Quite a year," Harry said from where he sat next to Jackie, putting an arm around her shoulders.

He was right. 2015 had been quite a year for the Royal family. It started off filled with joy, Charlotte, Caroline, and Cece born just a day apart in May. They found out they were expecting their son in the late summer, and lost him in the early autumn. Her cancer diagnosis came just days later, her ovaries removed in early December, ending the possibility they would ever have another. Her nursing license would expire on the 1st day of the new year, meaning 2016 was the start of her life exclusively as the Duchess of Windsor. Her days of being Jackie the Nurse were behind her. There was no looking back.

Jackie nodded thoughtfully. "I think it all happened for a reason."

"I'm having a hard time thinking of a reason," Harry admitted.

Jackie's trip to Syria had been the magic cure to her sorrow. Her life had been put into perspective, all of her struggles were part of a journey. Without Patrick and her cancer, she wouldn't be where she was now. Harry still needed to find his peace, but she was there to help him.

"Jackie, Harry," Kate and Will joined the couple in the sitting room, handing them their champagne.

The television was tuned to the celebration in London, the one minute countdown beginning.

"Here's to our new little girls," Will said, raising his glass. "The best gift of 2015."

"And to Patrick," Kate added, her expression a mix of sadness and gratitude. "Without him, we wouldn't have Jackie, and without Jackie, who knows what we would do."

Harry gave Jackie a kiss on the cheek, Will and Kate smiled warmly. Jackie nodded. "We all need each other. Best friends forever."

"To BFFs!" Harry cheered.

Everyone laughed, raising their glasses to BFFs.

"Ten! Nine! Eight!" The countdown began.

Jackie rested her head against Harry's shoulder, reflecting over the year. They'd had their troubles, but she now felt closer to him than ever. They'd gone through so much together, the parents of children both living and dead. Something about all the loss had unified them.

"Three! Two! One!"

Fireworks sparkled over the skyline, the familiar tune of Auld Lang Syne playing, bringing in the New Year with tradition.

Jackie turned to Harry, smiling before they kissed. She gave him a tight hug, resting her chin on his shoulder.

"Happy New Year," Harry whispered.

Her nose was stinging, a sign she was going to cry. 2015 had been life-changing. It was bitter-sweet to see it go. Jackie had hope that 2016 would bring a lot more joy. She planned on enjoying her days with her husband and her daughters, and her good health -- all thanks to Patrick.

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