Chapter 19

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"Can you bring me some water?" Jackie called, hearing movement in the kitchen. It was early morning, she had already settled down onto the couch in her Kensington Palace sitting room to watch the news, and she didn't want to get up.

There wasn't an answer. "Harry?"

Jackie just about jumped out of her skin when two hands covered her eyes. "What are you doing?" she gasped.

"Jackie Baker, follow my instructions," Harry's voice said in her ear, unusually deep.

Jackie laughed. "Please don't hurt me, I'll do anything."

"You are to get dressed, wear something comfortable. Meet me at the door in fifteen minutes." Harry took his hands off of Jackie's eyes, giving her a kiss. "Your time starts now."

Jackie dramatically scrambled up the stairs to the master bedroom on all fours, tossing her pajamas to the floor and changing into a pair of running tights and an oversized sweater. She laced up a pair of tennis shoes and threw her hair into a pony tail before going backstairs to meet Harry.

She arrived to see he wasn't alone. Nanny Sophia and the girls were dressed and ready.

Jackie raised her eyebrows. "Is there a conspiracy going on that I don't know about?"

"Next step: put on this blindfold and don't ask any questions." Harry twirled an eye mask on his fingers, wiggling his eyebrows.

It was obvious all of Harry's secretive phone calls and emails had been the plans for this surprise. Any other wife would have had the suspicion their husband was cheating, but Jackie had faith in Harry. She knew he was better than that.

"Put it on!" Mary Kate giggled. "It's a surprise, mummy!" 

Jackie laughed, taking the mask from Harry and putting it over her eyes. Harry held one of her hands and Mary Kate held the other, Nanny Sophia bringing up the rear with the twins. She was led blindly through the halls of Kensington Palace, and eventually felt the chilly late-January air.

"Step up," Harry directed, helping Jackie climb into a car. She felt around for her seat belt, buckling in. The car started up and drove for about fifteen minutes. Mary Kate was absolutely delighted that Jackie was blindfolded, squeaking excitedly the whole time.

The car pulled to a stop. Jackie heard doors open. She could feel Harry unbuckling her seat belt, gently helping her get out. She could feel a light wind, telling her they were outside in an open space.

"Ready?" he asked.

Jackie nodded, unable to shake her smile.

Harry pulled off her blindfold, revealing a small private plane waiting on a tarmac. Jackie looked around. They were at an airport.

"Did you buy me a plane?" Jackie joked.

Harry laughed. "Just rented."

"Where are we going?" Jackie asked, looking between Harry and Nanny Sophia. Both adults just smiled, Mary Kate and the twins oblivious to what was happening.

"It's a surprise. You'll see in good time."

The Windsors and Nanny Sophia boarded the plane, which already held their luggage. Jackie hadn't packed a bag, and she doubted Harry could do it on his own. That meant Elizabeth was involved -- she was the only person who knew Jackie well enough to pack her suitcase for a trip. Elizabeth must have been the woman Harry was talking to on the phone that first night.

"Can you at least tell me how long the flight is?" Jackie begged, holding the twins on her lap. "That's all."

Harry shrugged. "Oh, all right. It's just over ten hours."

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