Chapter 7

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"I can't believe it!" Kate gushed, pouring tea into Jackie's cup. "A little boy."

"We were so shocked," Jackie admitted. "I think he's going to complete our family."

Kate beamed, sitting down next to Jackie. The friends were relaxing in the private gardens of Kensington Palace, watching Mary Kate and George play in the grass. The early October breeze rustled the leaves that were slowly drying on the trees. Charlotte, Caroline, and Cece were napping in playpens in the shade, getting some fresh air while they slept.

"Our playdates are going to be quite hectic," Kate joked.

"Wait till they're all walking," Jackie added with a sigh. "We'll be running in a thousand different directions."

"Have you told Mary Kate yet?" Kate asked, her eyes following Mary Kate and George as they chased each other around the garden.

Jackie nodded. "We did. She seems quite excited, actually. She understands it now, since she saw what happened with the twins. We told her it's going to take a long time before he comes out."

Kate grinned. "She's the sweetest big sister."

"She is," Jackie beamed.

"I really can't believe it," Kate repeated with a smile. "Six little cousins, all under three. Four of them yours."

Jackie beamed. "I always dreamed of having lots of brothers and sisters and cousins growing up. And now my children are going to have that."


"Have you thought of any names?" Jackie asked as she loaded dirty plates into the dishwasher, shutting it with her foot.

Harry wiped at the dinner mess left by the Windsor children on the dining room table. "Actually, I did have one in mind."

Jackie dried her hands with a towel, watching Harry with a smile. "What is it?"

"Well, he's the only boy out of three girls, which is pretty lucky, so I thought Patrick would be fitting. You know, the luck of the Irish."

Jackie laughed. "Patrick. I like it."

"It hasn't been used by the Royal Family before, but it's traditional, so I'm sure Granny will approve," Harry said with a shrug.

Jackie rested a hand against her baby bump. "What do you think about that, baby? Do you like Patrick?"

The baby was much too small for Jackie to feel movement yet, of course, but something told her the name Patrick was perfect for her any Harry's little boy.

"I was thinking our first trip as a family of six could be the Invictus Games in Orlando next year," Jackie said thoughtfully. "Maybe Will and Kate could lend us Nanny Maria for a week so Nanny Sophia I could get some extra help."

"That would be awesome," Harry said with enthusiasm. "I could get all the kids matching Invictus polos."

With the three children in bed, Jackie and Harry were free to dream out loud for a while, cuddled up together on the sitting room couch. They were still in London, and planned to be for at least another month while carrying out more engagements. Jackie hoped to squeeze in as many appearances as she could before her hands were full with four children.

Harry put a hand on Jackie's stomach, his other hand intertwined with hers. "I don't think I've ever been happier."


Jackie was dreaming.

She was in a wide open field, surrounded by a ring of forest. Vivid wild flowers sprouted from the ground, rippling like waves in the soft breeze.

The sound of echoing laughter came from behind Jackie. She turned to see four children running towards her. She recognized them from somewhere... they were her's.

Mary Kate looked to be about 6, leading the group. Her hair reached down to her shoulders, the ends twisted in natural curls, just like Jackie's. She was absolutely beautiful, a perfect mix of Jackie and Harry. The eldest daughter kept looking behind her shoulder, making sure her younger siblings were keeping up. So thoughtful.

Two girls, a bit younger, followed behind. Caroline and Cece. They looked so similar but so different, Caroline's hair was blonde, her eyes pale, while Cece's hair was brown, her eyes much darker. They held hands, talking and giggling as they walked. Jackie grinned at the sight, it was obvious the twins were best friends.

A fourth child trailed behind the three girls. It was a little boy, his hair a fiery red, just like Harry's. He lacked the mischievous glint that often filled his father's eyes -- instead, he wore a sweet and innocent expression. His full cheeks sported two dimples when he smiled at Jackie.

Jackie called out to her children, her voice echoing in the meadow.

Mary Kate led them to Jackie, motioning for the others to keep up. Jackie dropped down to her knees, opening her arms. Mary Kate, Caroline, and Cece ran to her, throwing themselves into her. Jackie squeezed her daughters tightly. She took a deep breath and smelled their familiar scents.

Jackie looked over the girls' shoulders to see Patrick standing a few meters away, watching. She released Mary Kate, Caroline, and Cece, calling, "Patrick, come here."

Patrick walked towards Jackie, reaching his hand out. She tried to grab it, but just before he came within reach, Patrick's attention turned to the woods that lined the meadow.

"Patrick," Jackie said again, her voice sounding more distant.

Patrick didn't look back as he started walking towards the woods.

"Patrick!" Jackie cried. Her voice was a hoarse whisper. She stood up, chasing after him.

Patrick never moved faster than a brisk walk, but Jackie's feet kept tangling in the tall wildflowers. The tripped her, allowing Patrick to get farther away, closer to the woods.

Jackie tried to scream his name, but no noise came out of her mouth. She scrambled up, breaking into a run. She couldn't let him walk into the woods. They were dark and menacing, a little boy couldn't go in alone. She wanted him to stay in the meadow with her and the girls.

Jackie ran desperately, her breath catching in her chest. She was so close to Patrick she could see a sprinkling of freckles on the back of his neck, identical to Harry. She almost had ahold of the back of Patrick's shirt when he slipped into the woods, disappearing from sight.


A sudden bright light caused Jackie's eyes to fly open.

Harry was standing over her. She became aware of her surroundings -- she was in bed in Kensington Palace. It was only a dream. However, the look of worry in Harry's eyes wasn't.

"Jackie," he whispered, urgency in his voice. "You're bleeding."

Jackie threw off the covers, looking down at herself.

Harry was right. A red, ugly circle of blood had seeped from Jackie onto the white sheets. She felt panic rise up in her chest like the silent scream in her dream.

"Take me to the hospital."

Royals: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now