Chapter 18

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"Where should we get lunch?" Jackie asked, peering out the window of their car.

"Little Italy? Forlini's?" Harry suggested.

The Windsors has just touched down in New York City, a day ahead of the premiere of The White Helmets. They hadn't been to their overseas apartment together in quite some time, and Jackie always enjoyed returning to the place that Harry proposed to her. It had been ages since Jackie and Harry had gone anywhere together just for fun. They usually traveled on behalf of the Queen for some sort of engagement or tour. Harry had always begged Jackie to go to Africa with him, it was a place he loved, but the timing was never right. The last trip she could remember where they didn't have a single scheduled event was to Mustique with Will and Kate before Mary Kate and George were born.

"Mm, that sounds good," Jackie agreed. "We could stop upstairs and get settled in then head out."

The car that had carried them from JFK to the Upper East Side approached their 5th Avenue apartment building. There was a commotion on the curb, but Jackie wasn't sure what for. The paparazzi were already taking photos of someone.

Harry's jaw dropped. "Oh. My. God."

"What is it?" Jackie asked, laughing.

"We have a visitor."

Jackie caught sight of hair that looked like cornsilk atop a very tan head. Her brain took a moment to process the information. She laughed, putting a hand to her mouth. "No. Not him."

Donald Trump was standing on the curb, waiting for Jackie and Harry. He was in the midst of his campaign against Hillary Clinton, the election in September of that year. As members of the Royal Family, Jackie and Harry couldn't be political. However, if Jackie had the right to vote in America, she would vote for Secretary Clinton in a heartbeat -- for a great number of reasons.

"We're going to have to talk to him, he's not giving us a choice," Harry groaned.

Jackie shook her head. "Wait till Elizabeth hears about this, she'll throw a fit."

"Honestly, though. He's ambushing a Duke and Duchess outside of their home, forcing them to talk to him in front of the press. It's disgusting, he's using us for publicity."

"He has good reason to, we would never agree to an official meeting," Jackie grumbled. "Who does he think he is?"

Elizabeth and Michael, Harry's press secretary, were flying in separately from the couple, the next day. Mr. Trump obviously hadn't contacted the Palace to request a meeting with the Royals, or they would have known about it. He'd obviously just stopped by for an impromptu photo-op.

Jackie glowered. "Every time I see his face I can hear his voice saying, 'When you're famous you can do anything you want, grab her by the pussy.' I'm famous, I think I'll punch him."

"I'll join you." Harry said, quite seriously. He sighed. "Let's just be polite and get on our way, I don't want him ruining our day."

Jackie nodded in agreement. Their car pulled to a stop at the curb. Harry climbed out first, holding out an arm to put behind her back. Jackie could feel that his hand was clenched into a fist where it rested on her waist. The cameras began snapping away, catching a frame-by-frame of the meeting.

"Hello, welcome to Manhattan!" Donald Trump greeted loudly. No 'Your Highnesses.' Jackie wasn't one for titles, she almost always asked that acquaintances call her by her first name. She'd met Hillary Clinton a year or so ago at a charity function, and they were on a first name basis. Donald Trump, on the other hand, had no right to address her as anything other than 'Your Royal Highness.'

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