Chapter 6

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'Kensington Palace Confirms: Jackie, Duchess of Windsor Pregnant with Fourth Child!'

'Shocking news was announced this morning via Kensington Palace's twitter account: Prince Harry and Jackie Baker are expecting their fourth child -- just four months after the births of twin daughters Caroline and Cece.'

'The tweet read:'

"Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Windsor are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Windsor is expecting their fourth child. The Queen and members of both families are delighted with the news."

'This will be the fourth child for Harry and Jackie, who welcomed daughter Mary Kate on July 23rd 2013 and twins Caroline and Cece on May 3rd 2015. Based on royal protocol of announcing the pregnancy during the 12th week, it is estimated that the fourth Windsor baby will be born in early April, just about a month before the twins' first birthday.'

'Harry, 31, and Jackie, who turns 32 in a few short weeks, will certainly have their hands full. Rumors are now flying that Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, is also pregnant, after the coincidentally close births of all five royal cousins. Sources close to the Duchess deny the rumors, saying that if Will and Kate were to have another child, it would be a few years in the future.'

'The news comes about a week after the Duchess of Windsor was spotted out in London for a solo engagement with Save the Children UK. There was no sign of a baby bump, and Jackie actually looked slimmer than she ever has.'

'The Duke and Duchess of Windsor are expected to attend a black-tie fundraising gala later this week for the 2016 Invictus Games, set to take place in Orlando in September. The next Invictus Games are likely to be a family event, the youngest member of the Windsor clan could possibly attend, as it will be 5 months old by that time.'

'Best wishes to the royal couple and their new addition!'


"You look beautiful!" Harry exclaimed, his eyes sparkling.

Jackie beamed, spinning to show off her dress. Elizabeth stood behind Harry, her eyes scouring every detail of Jackie's look. "It's a little daring, don't you think?"

The new dress certainly wasn't her usual style, but Jackie loved it. She was feeling much more confident lately. Everything in her life was going so perfectly -- her children were all happy and healthy, including the fourth one on the way, she was in the press's good favor, and she and Harry were closer than ever.

"It is a little daring, but I think it's just right," Jackie said definitively.

"I think so too." Harry gave Jackie a kiss. "Are you ready to go?"

"Let's say good night to the girls first," Jackie said, motioning for Harry to follow her up the stairs. The parents climbed the stairs to the second floor of their Kensington Palace apartment where their daughters were being put to sleep by Nanny Sophia.

Mary Kate was already snuggled into her bed, her eyes dropping. Jackie leaned down and gave her daughter a peck on the cheek. "Goodnight, darling."

Harry brushed the little girl's hair out of her face, a loving habit of his. "See you in the morning."

Mary Kate could only muster a half-hearted smile, too worn out from a day of playing with George in the back gardens of the palace, where generations of royal children, including their fathers, had romped before them.

Next, Jackie and Harry visited the nursery, where Nanny Sophia was just laying Caroline into her crib.

Jackie leaned over the bars of Cece's crib to caress her baby's face. Cece gave a gummy smile and let out a happy gurgle. "Sweet dreams," Jackie cooed. She and Harry said goodnight to each twin and thanked Nanny Sophia once again before they quietly went back downstairs.

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