Chapter 3

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"Buckingham Palace has sent another list of organizations that need a patron, and I saw Cancer Research UK was listed, I thought you may be interested," Elizabeth said from where she sat behind her York Cottage desk. 

Jackie had to fight a grimace. "I'm not sure I'd like that."

"I thought you'd have a real passion for it," Elizabeth commented, eyeing Jackie. "Given your family history." 

It had been just about 9 years since Jackie's mother, Mary, had passed away in 2006 from breast and ovarian cancer. Her mother was just 56, and her father, George, followed shortly after, dying from what Jackie could only assume was a broken heart. She'd been totally alone after her parents died, throwing herself into her job as a nurse to escape from the sorrow in her personal life.

"I don't know if I'm ready to go into that yet, it's too soon," Jackie said, swallowing a lump in her throat. "I'm sorry." 

"Well, you think about it," Elizabeth said. She shuffled some papers on her desk before saying, "As you know, Harry is planning a trip to Africa next summer to do some conservation work. Would you like to join him?"

"Well, if everything goes as planned, we'll have another newborn," Jackie answered. "I wish I could go, but I don't think it will be possible."

Elizabeth looked at Jackie over the rims of her cat-eye glasses. "We'll put you in as a tentative 'maybe' and as we get closer to that date we can decide." 

Jackie nodded. "Okay. Anything else?" 

"I just wanted to say how happy I am that you're jumping back in to your public role," Elizabeth said, the corners of her mouth hinting a smile. "I'm so impressed by the new patronages you've decided to take on." 

Jackie grinned. "I thought I'd have to take a lot of time off after the twins were born, but everything is going so perfectly. I'm ready."

Elizabeth regained her stoic composure, simply giving Jackie a curt nod. "Motherhood suits you." 


"Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again." 

Jackie, Harry, and Mary Kate clapped as they finished singing the nursery rhyme while Caroline and Cece let out excited huffs, waving their arms. 

"They love when we sing them songs!" Jackie said, giving Mary Kate a kiss on the top of her head. "You're such a good big sister."

"The three of you are going to be best friends," Harry added.

Though Mary Kate had very little understanding of what her parents were saying, her face broke into an excited grin. "Again!"

The Windsors were having a quiet family night at York Cottage. It was mid-August, and they would soon be heading back to Kensington Palace for a brief stay, where Harry and Jackie would be taking on quite a few engagements in London. The births of Caroline, Cece, and Charlotte had provided a distraction to the press, so thankfully, they had stopped running stories about Jackie's "laziness." Last year, in the months after Mary Kate's ear surgery, the press had relentlessly attacked every move Jackie made. She was happy to have a fresh start to regain the adoration of the press and the country. 

Jackie and Harry sang more songs for the twins, Mary Kate joining in on a few words that she knew. The twins watched excitedly from where they were propped up on the couch, their eyes wide and their arms and legs wiggling. Mary Kate danced around the sitting room, putting on a show. Caroline and Cece watched intently, their sweet little lips curved into smiles. 

"I think they look less and less alike every day," Harry commented, his eyes studying Caroline and Cece.

He was right. When the twins were born, it was almost impossible for Jackie and Harry to tell them apart. Now 3 and a half months old, the twins had developed their own unique features. Caroline's hair was much lighter, blonde like Jackie's. Her eyes were a pale blue. Cece's hair was darker, a medium brown and her eyes were much deeper shade. Jackie and Harry had even questioned whether or not the girls were identical, but Dr. Brown assured them that it was quite common for identical twins to be not exactly identical.  

"You're right. But it's funny, all five of the kids look so similar," Jackie said with a smile. It was quite obvious that George, Mary Kate, Charlotte, Caroline, and Cece were related.

"I was thinking about how chaotic tours will be," Harry laughed. "And walks to Christmas service at Sandringham. And Trooping the Colour." 

Jackie smiled. "Especially when the little ones start to walk."

"We'll need leashes, I think," Harry said, watching Mary Kate, who was singing to herself while spinning around in circles.

"My sweet girls don't need leashes, they're good listeners," Jackie cooed, showering Caroline and Cece with kisses. 

Harry laughed. "I wasn't talking about them."

"Mary Kate, come sit with me," Jackie called. Mary Kate stopped spinning and ran over to Jackie, nearly falling over with dizziness.

Jackie pulled Mary Kate onto her lap, snuggling her close while covering her head in kisses. "You'll always listen to mummy and daddy, won't you?"

Mary Kate nodded. "Always listen." 

Harry joined in on the cuddle. "Will you stay little and sweet forever?" 

Mary Kate laughed. "I'm two! Then three." 

"You're such a big girl," Jackie said with a smile. "You can teach your sisters a lot."

"Caroline and Cece," Mary Kate said, pointing to the twins. 

Harry tucked Mary Kate's hair behind her ears. "You could teach Caroline and Cece how to take care of your dolls when they get bigger. And how to spin." 

"Like this!" Mary Kate shrieked, running to the center of the sitting room, where she began spinning in circles again. 

"Did you give her a bowl of sugar for dinner?" Harry asked incredulously. 

Jackie laughed. "She gets a little excited before bedtime."

Jackie and Harry enjoyed a laughter-filled evening at home with their family. 


I know not much happened in this chapter, but I have big plans coming soon. I hope you're all prepared for some drama.... 

If you haven't noticed, I've started to dedicate new chapters to the reader who votes first! This time, it was @fergue1234

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