Chapter 10:Sleeping

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Chapter 10:Sleeping


I love him.


I didn't realize it until his eyes closed.


Eyes that may never open again.


Oh god, I'm going to be sick.

"Allison," I turn to the door where Jasmine is standing with red eyes. It's the first time either one of us has said anything to the other in months.

I wipe my eyes clearing them of tears before standing up. There silence for a second before we're both rushing to each other and hugging.

"I'm so sorry," She says.

"I am too." I tell her as tears reappear, "I should have talked to you about it." I tell her.

She rubs my back before pulling away to look me in the eyes, "It's okay, you thought I was with Blake." Her eyes wonder over to his bed beside the chair I was sitting in and the tears she was holding back start to run down her face.

She releases me and walks over to the bed staring at Blake's lifeless form. His tan skin is pale, and there's a mask over his face to help him breathe. The second we got here earlier they'd rushed him into surgery and removed the lodged bullet. It'd grazed his spinal cord.

If he wakes up he may be paralyzed.

"When Will called me I decided to get all my crying out of the way before I got here, while I was along." Jasmine says with her back to me as she touches Blake's hand.

There was nothing romantic there, but the two are obviously close.

"Now I know that no matter how much crying I did before I got here I won't stop until I know he's going to live." She says before turning to me.

For a second we just look at each other the only thing breaking the stare is the sound of footsteps entering the room.

"Oh god, Blake." Rachel says running into the room and going to her nephew's bedside.

I look to the door where Macey, Lacey, and Casey are standing. The twins look confused while the second Casey sees Blake he starts to cry.

It kills me.

I go over to them and hug Casey as he cries and he wraps his arms around me.

"What's wrong with Blake?" Lacey asks me with those cute eyes just like Blake's.

"He's sleeping."


Q/N:It's short, this was just a reunion chapter basically.

For those of you who don't remember Rachel's she's Blake's aunt, and Macey, Lacey, and Casey are his cousins, there's no way you could for get them especially Casey. I'll try updating tommorow. Remember to check out CRAZY HOUSE


"Hey Allison," Someone calls out from behind me as I'm headed out of school. I turn around to see Daniel running up to me with a smile on his face. I return the smile as I wait for him to catch up to me.

"Hi," I say when he finally catches up to me and we start walking to the parking lot. I glance down at my watch and let out a sigh, I have to be at Rachel's house by 5:30 to start watching the kids.

"So about our date tonight," Daniel says as we make it to Blake's car.

What does he mean date? Our date isn't tonight.

"What date?" I ask leaning against Blake's car.

"You remember I called you about it the other day," He says scratching the back of his neck.

Hmm, I don't remember that.

"You hung up on me..." He trails off looking at me expectantly.

Aw crap. I was too focused on Blake to really listen to Daniel. I'm going to kill that stupid jerk, he's always messing up my concentration. I have to freaking babysit tonight, I can't go out on a date.

"Well about that-"

"She can't, she has other plans." Well speak of the devil.

Blake wraps an arm around my shoulder smirking at Daniel, "We have to do something, so she can't come." He continues.

Daniel looks nervous as he looks at us, "I didn't know that you two are together." He says pointing at us awkwardly.

"We aren't together," I say pushing Blake's arm off of my should glaring at him.

"Uh, okay, so you can go on the date tonight, right?" He asks with a hopeful look on his face.

I shake my head at the same time that Blake says, "Nope." In a too cheerful voice.

Daniel's face falls and I start to feel really bad but I can't get out of babysitting. "Maybe we can just hang out at the house, because I have to babysit." I suggest.

Daniela's face brightens again and a smile that's cuter than puppies (almost) comes onto his face replacing the frown. "Sure, that'll be cool, just text me the address."

"Okay, bye." He walks away with that smile on his face as I push Blake out of my way to get into the car.

"Hey, watch it, you can't be pushing all on this sexy body." He says walking to the driver's side of the car and getting in the car.

I slam my door causing him to glare at me but I don't even care, "You're such an ass." I inform him.

"Why, thank you." He says smiling as he pulls out of the parking lot.

-Chapter 10:Attraction

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