Chapter 9:Butterflies

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Chapter 9?

Chapter 9:Butterflies

I have butterflies.

It's sad.

I have butterflies in my stomach, when I'm nearing my death.

Life surely is fucked up.

Blake runs his hands through my hair, as we kiss, and I begin to think of the first time we made out. It makes me giggle a bit.

Blake pulls back with a soft smile on his face, "Why are you laughing?" He asks me.

"I was thinking of that night you came to my house, and we made out for the first time." I tell him and I can tell he's trying to remember, when his smile begins to drop I know he's remembered exactly what I remembered, "You cried during the Lion King." I tell him, "it was because Mufasa died." I say to him, and my smile begins to fall, "Yet, you're about to die, and you haven't shed a tear." I tell him.

He shrugs his shoulder before pulling me to him, "I've lived an okay life, there's nothing to cry about." He says.

"What about the people who love you Blake?" I ask him as a tear begins to stream down my face.

"Do you love me, Allison?"

Do I?

The door to the room opens and two muscled men walk in the room. One grabs me, and Blake quickly stands up punching him in the face. He lets go, but he's angry now. The other man grabs me, as Blake and the guy start to fight.

I can't let him fight, if I don't try to fight my guard.

So when the man starts to pull my out if the room I knee him in his family's jewels.

The best move to use on any guy.

Even a big old one.

As I look at Blake and the guy fight I can't tell who has the upper hand, but I know now that he was holding back when fighting Will.

They both were.

Doing the only thing I can think of I kick the man in the back of his legs and he falls to the ground, and Blake lands on top of him, and starts to throw punches.

Once the man is out Blake stands up, he goes over to the other man and kicks him another time for good measures.

He reaches back and grabs my hand, "Time to get out of here, SweetCheeks." He says pulling me out of the room.

Everything looks unfamiliar to me, but Blake navigates us out of there like he's been here before. Just when we're at the door, and I feel like we're about to be free there's the sound of gun fire.

"Stop!" A voice commands right after.

Surprisingly Blake does stop, and he turns to the person while pushing me behind him.

A man with dark hair who has to be in his fifties comes out of the shadows pointing a gun at Blake's chest.

Oh god.

"Come from behind him, or I'll shoot him now." The man says and I waste no time in standing beside Blake even though he tries to push me back.

Like hell, I'm staying right here.

I look at Blake's face and his teeth are gritted, but he's not scared.

Not the least bit.

Him and the man behind exchanging words, but the only thing I'm paying attention to is Blake's face.

Please let him walk out of here alive.

I notice that Blake's eyes keep flickering to the left, and I try to turn in a not so obvious way. Out of the corner of my eye I see someone move but I don't have time to focus, because a shot is fired.

And then another.

Blake lands on the ground clutching his stomach.

Oh dear, God.

"Blake!" I scream kneeling at his side, not caring that I may still be in danger.

"Don't worry, it just grazed me." He says but I can hear the pain in his voice.

I lift his T-shirt that's already covered in blood.

"Blake, the bullet didn't just graze you." I tell him.

"Okay, maybe it got stuck inside, really it's not that bad." He says placing his hand over mine.

Footsteps begin to clatter and Will appears next to me. "Dammit." He says falling to the ground and putting his head in his hands.

"Blake Man, I'm so sorry, I was trying to wait to see if the police would come first." He says, "I should have just shot that bastard." He says with bloodshot eyes.

"It's cool Bro, he's gone now, and he can't hurt you or Allison." Blake says and I can tell he's straining to talk.

It makes me cry.

"Oh Allison," he uses my real name, something that only happens on rare occasions, "don't cry, Babe, I'm fine." He tells me, but I know he doesn't believe that.

He's bleeding out.

He's dying.

"You're not fine," I tell him as sirens begin to wail.

"Really, you two should stop worrying." He says trying to smile.

"I'm so sorry." Will says and now I'm not the only one crying.

"I told you, it's okay." Blake says looking at him.

"I mean for-"

"Tell me when I wake up." Blake says, "I'm sleepy."

"No, Blake, don't go to sleep." I tell him clutching his hand.

I'm afraid that if you go to sleep you'll never wake up.

"Baby, it's okay, now give me a kiss so I don't have to sit up." He says and I lean down giving him the softest of kisses.

"Now, you two stop worrying, you can baby me when I wake up." He says as his eyes begin to flutter, and my heart fills like it's going to fly out.

"Oh, Allison." He says looking me in the eye as a faint smile forms on his face, "I love you." And then his eyes flutter close.



Really, I'm kind of surprised I actually wrote this chapter. -sigh- don't kill me. The story isn't over.

I just got done reading some of the first book, you guys are amazing, none of those chapters are amazing and they're crap, yet you stuck with the book, and when I reread some of those comments I just had to smile. The first book will reach the one year anniversary January 22, so I'm being nostalgic.

Just went through over 200 comments to find the first comment, on the first chapter, and it was from xlhasax, so girly, if you're still reading this, this chapter is dedicated to you.

COMMENT:Okay, I wasn't sure what to expect when I first saw this, but let me tell you, this chapter was SO FUNNY! It's hard to write something truly humorous, but I found myself smiling and laughing at many points during this. Great chapter; I can't wait for the next update. Voted! :)


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