Chapter 11:Stories

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Chapter 11:Stories


“What did they say?” I ask Rachel who the doctors just got done talking to.


“They said he should be up by now.” She says wiping a tear from her eye, “They said that him still being asleep isn’t a good sign.” She tells me.


It’s been three days and I think everyone has cried enough to fill the river of Jordan. Blake hasn’t moved or woken up.


It’s killing me to wait for him to wake up. I haven’t left the hospital since it’s happened. Jasmine brought me clothes from home when she went to go get clothes or herself. Everyone has been using the shower in Blake’s bathroom in his room.


“Okay.” I tell her before taking a deep breath and going back to Blake’s Room. Jasmine and Will are sitting on the couch together and there’s a chair pulled up to the bed, the one I’ve been sitting in all three days.


I sit down, and there’s silence in the room as we all just wait. Wait for him to wake up, even though the odds are against us.


“Do you remember that day we went to Teressa’s party?” Will asks breaking the silence.


“Yea,” Jasmine says.


“It was right after me and Blake got together.” I say adding in my input.


Will nods his head, “Yea, Warren came onto you so Blake punched his lights out.” He says with a chuckle and I smile at the memory.


And that’s how we got started on telling stories about things that happened in the past when Blake did something stupid or made us all laugh.


“Do you remember that day that you punched Blake in the face?” Jasmine asks.


Will lets out a chuckle, “I teased him until his eye healed.” He says.


I shake my head, “He’d made some crazy comment.” I say racking my brain to remember what he said, “Something about a chicken and his cock.” I say not remembering all of what he said.


“Do you live on a chicken farm? ‘Cause you sure know how to raise a cock.”


“Yea, that was it.” I say recognizing the quote.


The room is silent and I don’t realize why until I think about who just said the quote.


“Blake!” I exclaim standing up and leaning over his bed to see a small weak smile on his face, his eyes aren’t open though.


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