Chapter 13: Water

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Chapter 13: Water


“His lung collapsed, that fast?” Rachel asks in an uneven voice.


“Yea.” I tell her, giving her a small nod.


“But we were just here.” She says wiping a small tear from her face.


“I know,” I tell her running a hand through my hair, “but the doctor said that he’s going to be okay, they’re just going to have to keep him longer.”


“God, why is this happening?” She asks sitting back in her seat with her head in her hands. “What am I going to tell my sister if her son dies?” She asks lifting her head to look at the sky.


I think she’s actually talking to god.


“He’s not going to die,” I tell her rubbing my eyes, not sure if I’m trying to convince myself or Rachel, “the doctor said he’s going to be okay.”

“Yea, but he’s probably paralyzed.” She says.


I close my eyes trying to relax,“But that doesn’t matter because we’ll still love him.” I tell her trying to take deep breaths to calm myself. Once I’m finally in control I realize that I just said aloud that I love Blake.


There’s a knock on the door though it’s already open. I look up to see a nurse wheeling in a bed and IV. Blake looks like he’s sleeping peacefully, again, but we all know he’s barely hanging on.


“Hi,” the nurse says with a small smile wheeling Blake’s bed into its place, “he’s stable right now, another nurse will be in, in about thirty minutes to redo his IV.” She says, “he won’t wake up until tomorrow more than likely, but when he does wake up make sure you hit the nurse’s button, immediately.” She tells us.


She leaves the room, and there’s silence, except for the sound of Blake’s machine beeping.


Like the nurse said he doesn’t wake up until the next day.


We’re all sitting around Blake’s bed in silence, when Blake moves his fingers.


“Water,” He rasps out, and everyone moves at the same time to get the glass of water by his bed. Since I’m the closest I pick it up and with shaking hands I bring it towards. He coughs a little before pressing the button on the bed to raise his self up. He drinks while I hold the cup to his lips, and I can’t help but notice that he isn’t sitting up on his own.


“Shit,” He swears clutching his chest, “I didn’t get shot again?” He asks and it’s hard to tell if he’s joking or not.


“No,” Will tells him, “Your lung collapsed.”


“I told you all those drugs were bad for you,” Jasmine jokes and Blake lets out a shaky laugh.


“Of course you did.”


I remember what the nurse said yesterday so I hit the nurse button, and a few seconds later a nurse comes in with a worried look. Once she sees that Blake is awake her frown turns into a smile.


“How are you doing?” She asks him.


“About as good as a man who just got shot, and has a collapsed lung.” He tells her, and I can’t help but smile.


“Well, the doctor is going to be in, in a second, and he’s going to check a couple of things, and then we’re going to run some x-rays, okay?” She says and Blake nods.


A couple of minutes later the doctor walks in with his clipboard, and it’s obvious that he’s studying Blake’s posture.


“Alright, Mr. Drayton,” He says pulling out his stethoscope and listening to Blake breath, “A bit shaky in there, but that’s to be expected.”


“Could you please wiggle your fingers?” He asks and Blake rolls his eyes before wiggling his fingers, “Okay,” the doctor says nodding and writing on his clipboard, “Now, could you please sit up?”


I think everyone in the room is holding their breath as we wait for Blake to sit up. Finally, Blake sits up weakly, before plopping back, and that’s all the doctor needs. He smiles, and everyone in the room lets out a breath of relief.


“Alright Blake, wiggle your toes, and we’ll be done here.” The doctor says looking at Blake’s feet.


We all look at Blake’s feet, for what seems like an hour, and they never move.



Alright, I updated, sorry it took so long, I’ve been working on CRAZY HOUSE, I don’t like to brag about my books, but it really is a good one. Yea, so I’m going to self-publish, hopefully within’ the next months, but I need a lot more publicity, so if each and every one of you could just promote me to your followers, that would be amazing. I make trailers now so go to my message board to find a link to the thread. Yea, so that’s it.


"I'm Ariel," I tell him, brushing my hair over to one shoulder.

He shoots me a mischievous smile as he sticks his hand out to shake mine. "I'm Tristian. Now may I ask, Ariel, do you like cherries?"

I tilt my head as I try to figure out why he asked this random question, but his face gives nothing away.

"Uh, no," I finally answer as he lets go of my hand.

"Okay, then can I have yours?" he asks cheekily.

Bobby's mouth drops open, but I have no idea why.

"I don't have any cherr- oh." I stop my sentence as I realize what he's referring to.

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