Levi has feelings?

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  There was the sound of wind rushing through the trees canopy Captain Levi was hoisted in, His grey eyes watching carefully. His ears perk up when he sees a green flare crossing the vibrant blue sky. Answered by another one soon after. It was his squad, the sound of their 3DMG equipment joining another lone one. Suddenly, the forest was encompassed in the all too familiar lighting. The female titan had returned unsheathing his blades his began towards the rumbling, until hearing the familiar war cry of Eren.
          "Son of a bitch Eren." Clenching his teeth, he sped up until he saw the hanging body of Gunter. His eyes flashed towards the body at the bottom of the tree trunk. The copper toned hair threw him back. It was Petra, swallowing the newly formed lump in his throat. He rose back up to the tree tops, his eyes expressionless.
     At the entrance of the forest, Mikasa heard Eren's roar. Jumping to the next branch before she was stopped by Sasha, the girls small frame shaking in fear. Her big brown eyes meeting Mikasa's shining silver ones.
         "Please dont go Mikasa..its terrible there."
Mikasa turned away from Sasha. "Shes right..but Eren's out there, under the incompetence of Captain Levi." Gritting her teeth as memories flashed as she watched Levi beat Eren to a pulp. She left the safety of the canopy weaving in and out of branches. Sounds of trees splitting pierced her ears, along with an all to familiar sound of blood gushing out of the body. She turned and saw a sight she never wanted to see. Eren's titan form was on the ground, head disconnected from the rest of the body. The female titan pulled back away from the nape of his neck, blood going everywhere. Mikasa screamed as the female ran off in the other direction.
         "Give..."Weaving out under the trees. "GIVE ME EREN BACK!" She raised both blades above her head, aiming for the weak-spot, As she came down on the nape of the neck, her blades shattered.
           "What? They didn't go through?" Her eyes flashed towards the titan who turned its large fist in her direction. All of a sudden she was pinned up against a tree. Her vision fuzzy, Captain Levi's expressionless meeting hers.
Mikasa opened her mouth to shout at him, but he covered her mouth.
         "Keep calm, we need to pull back. Eren is gone."
Mikasa struggled against his hand pushing it away.
         "He is alive I just know it. BUT WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS SITUATION IF YOU HAD DONE YOUR JOB!"
Levi glanced towards the direction of the female titan as she ran off. Looking back at Mikasa, he felt a tightening in his stomach, it became in knots.
        "Did she swallow him?" Leaning closer to Mikasa.
She shook her head slowly as he let go.
"Lets go." They raced off towards the titan.
The trees trembled as Levi was thinking of a plan. Mikasa had a look he knew well, Pure anger and yearning for revenge.
       "Hey! I'll take care of the titan you need to make sure Eren get out of there alive!"
      "Thats an order!" Levi barked, as he brandished his blade's, the female was waiting for him as she turned to swing her fist at him.
       "She's fast, but I'm faster." He thought as he spun his entire body around, as blood soaked his cloak. Gritting his teeth as he swung towards her eyes, jabbing the blades all the way in ejecting them as he pulled out, replacing them as he swung around towards her shoulders.
"If i can just get her bloodied up we might have a chance." He thought as both large arms fell at her sides.
Mikasa saw the opening at the nape of the neck, ignoring Captain levi's orders all together and going after it. Levi saw this as the arm raised to kill. Levi rushed to move her out of harms way. She hit the tree as he slammed down on the arm, feeling his ankle give out from under him.
     "Shit." He internally screamed. He pushed off slicing the titans mouth, revealing a gelatinous mold.
"I can smell the ego coming off of it. That has to be Eren." He swung around and pulled it out of the slack mouth.
Landing on a tree branch, he leaned against the trunk. Mikasa rushed over to them, landing next to Levi.
       "Is he okay?" Her eyes were full of worry, making Levi stare again.
"Captain?" She looked at him quizzically.
       "Hm? oh yea..jus really disgusting." He set the lump down.
Mikasa stood up to look at him, his eyes were a steel grey, his mouth in a permanent scowl. But, full of mystery. His jawline was as sharp as their blades, just looking at it made her feel as if she was cut.
Little did they both know this was only the beginning.  

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