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Mikasa suppressed a chuckle as she head Jeans hard head hit the ground, Biting her lip she continued to walk towards the room. Levi was a couple steps behind her,  stepping on Jean's outstretched hand. 

"Ow..what the fuck.." He growled as Levi bounced off it, opening the door for her. Jean's hazel eyes narrowed at Levi's small figure. Thoughts of tearing him apart filled his mind as a plan began to formulate. An evil smirk formed on his face, as he brushed dirt off his uniform.

Closing the door behind them, Mikasa let out a giggle, before it was silenced by Levi's firm grasp on her waist. Lips at her ear.

"Now I will be sitting across from you, I'll do my best not to lock my eyes on you..that will be hard for me....but i have a surprise for you after."

Mikasa nodded as he let go, leading her into the main chamber. Armin and Eren were seated across from Hanji and Erwin. The room was silent as they took their seats.  Eren cocked his head at Mikasa. 

Mikasa looked down to the table, she saw the angry marks on her wrist, from Levi's straps. Cheeks rosy pink as she looked back up to see Levi glancing at her, 

Clearing his throat Erwin caught everyones attention.  "Arlet here has some very interesting theories, I think should be shared with all of us." Motioning towards Armin, who taking a deep breath stand to address everyone.  

                                                ~two and a half hours later~

Levi is the first to stand, his grey eye flickered towards Eren who was talking to Mikasa in hushed tones.

"No its not true..." He whispered.

Mikasa was silent as he vented to her, his green eyed vivid. Armin was defending himself against Eren, who got alittle to close an was about to punch Armin, until she took his feet out from under him. 

His head hit the floor with a loud thud. Mikasa turned to walk out of the room. She forgot about the surprise she was promised. Eren yelled out in pain, as she closed the door. 

Levi bit his lip, to refrain from laughing , but it was caught in his throat as Mikasa left. About to leave also , but Hanji stopped him before he could slip away.

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