"I can't do this on my own.."

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The entire regiment was on their way to the capital. Levi at the front of the line with Erwin and Hanji, followed by the rest of Hanjis squad. Levi hadnt got a wink of sleep the night before. The bags under his eyes more pronounced.

Mikasa was with Armin and Eren. The only sound was the horses trotting, her head was filled with thoughts of what went wrong, always leading her back to Levi. How it felt to be in his arms, the feel of his kiss.

"hey Mikasa.." Eren said in his rough voice, interrupting her thinking.

Blinking away the tears she looked at him. "Yes?"

"We're about to hit the city, it's time for us to section off." Eren said looking at the road.

Jerking the reins of the horses, they sped off towards a little alcove where they would drop off the horses.

Levi heard the horse ride off, his heart hurt more than he'd ever admit.

"I pick a hell of a time to become an asshole again..." He sighed as they rode on, protecting the carriage that held their "cargo".

Levi looked down at his hands,  holding the  reins limply, when in reality he wanted to hold Mikasa's hand in it again.  Blinking rapidly as Hanji called his name.

Dropping off their horses in the alcove. Eren dropped to the ground, followed by Armin. 

Looking up at Mikasa, Armin noticed something different about her, she was quiet but this was different, it was filled with saddness. 

"Um..Mikasa?" Eren called breaking her concentration, whipping her head around. 

"Yes Eren?" She tried her best to make her voice sound normal, but it didnt work.

"What's wrong? Somethings up?" Armin looked at her, as Eren asked her that.

MIkasa jumped down off her horse, her eyes hardening. "Nothing, lets finish this. "

       ~Female titan is discovered~

Mikasa runs out, launching into the air, by the 3dmg. Unsheathing her blades, she sliced Annie's tendons, causing her to drop to the ground. Mikasa was soaked in titan blood. Screaming loudly, as she tried to slow her down, until she was hit out of the sky landing on the ground with a thump.

As she hit the ground, she hoped she was dead, so never having to face Levi again. No sweet relief of death for her. As she heard Eren's titan roar. 

Levi heard the roars, as Jean burst out of the carriage, guards around him shouting for "Yeagar to stop!"
"IM NOT YEAGAR YOU IDIOTS!" Jean screamed in his nasally voice.

Levi rolled his eyes, and adjusted his cape. As arguments erupted around him, between Erwin and the Military Police. 

Building exploded in the background, causing everyone to drop. Thoughts of Mikasa ran through his head. 

"I cant do this on my own..I need her.." 

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