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Completely silent the only sound was the horse's hooves hitting the ground. The wall came into view, and Mikasa felt her stomach twist and turn. She knew that Eren felt bad, as did everyone else did. The gates opened to the usual specter of the returning Scouts.
Angry shouts erupted everywhere.


Levi was used to this, having dealt with it many times but this he wasn't expecting when an older gentleman trotted over to him.
       "Hello Captain. I am Petra's father." His warm smile reminded Levi of Petra. Causing a blow right to his stomach. He looked down at the ground.
      "Now as you know Petra looked up to you, she wanted to be just like you. Now I also know that she may be young, but I was thinking about marriage..."
Levi looked up, his grey eyes darkening. He didn't have the heart to tell him, but he had to know. Opening his mouth to say something to the gentleman, Hanji interrupted him.
     "Um, Levi you're needed by Eren immediately."
Levi let a sigh of relied as he turned his horse back towards Eren. He heard the wail of pain, piercing Levi's ears letting a shiver run down his spine. Meeting eyes with Mikasa, who nodded in understanding.
Eren's green eyes were full of tears, as they streamed down his cheeks. Holding his hand over his mouth, to stop from screaming out.
Mikasa was in her room, looking at the clear floorboards. Her heart still racing.
       "I almost lost Eren again today." She thought to herself as the door crept opened. Christa's pale blue eyes greeted her.
       "um.." Her quiet voice broke the silence."Sorry to bother you Mikasa, but Captain Levi wants to see you after dinner."
"Ok? Thank you Christa."
She closed the door leaving Mikasa to her thoughts.
       "Why does Captain want to see me?" Her mind began wandering back to him, his eyes, jawline. Biting her lip, she caught herself thinking about the way he walked. He was dangerous in a fight.
      "Wonder if hes dangerous in bed?"
The door suddenly opened it was Connie and Jean. Mikasa jumped in the air at the ready.
      "Steady Tiger. Its time for dinner. You okay? your cheeks are flushed." Connie cocked his head. Jean flashed a smile at her.
     "Still thinking about our kiss huh? Me too sweet cheeks."
Mikasa punched him in the nose, which threw him back into Connie. She walked out of her room towards the dinning hall.
Levi readied his cravat for dinner. He had already laid his plans for his after dinner engagement. Just the thought of it, made his pants become tight. He smirked as he walked out into the corridor, to see her walking fast,
     "Don't wanna come off as desperate." He thought as Jean and Connie walked past, Jeans nose was badly bleeding.
     "He never listens does he?" His eyes focusing on Mikasa. Tonight was going to be interesting.

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