Unhealthy Desires

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A/n: This was inspired in a roleplay  with MadAtTheWorldMadi and i hope you enjoy this. Vote and yes i take requests.

Warning(s): Yaoi, some lime, sexual content, incest


Kcalb x Wodahs

Everyone in the Grey World knew of the Demon King Kcaln and his headangel brother Wodahs of their close brotherly  relationship. But what the others didn't know was the desire they both had been craving for each other since Wodahs was very young. Kcalb didn't know why but he had always had this need to have this angel by his side.

Years have passed and the angel had remained so loyal to the Demon King. He did everything Kcalb asked of him, bowed to him like a loyal subject should. But when the war had begun and Wodahs had betrayed him, Kcalb felt enraged and hurt with his brothers choice of path. Then when they fought he attacked his little brother. When he say the blood run down Wodahs right eye he felt a pain in his chest. He didn't understand what it was but seeing him in pain.. He shook his head before running off to fight the God Etihw who had taken away his brother.

He thought maybe after defeating God himself that Wodahs would see his mistake in paths and would have Wodahs beg for forgiveness.

Kcalb had lost and as punishment was put away in a dark place where he would sleep every now and then. His thoughts were the only thing to keep him company. That funny feeling in his chest when he thought of his brother. Calling him a traitor felt so wrong. He would sometimes call out to Wodahs in the dark. Hoping to get an answer. He felt like he was going insane! He began questioning his own actions and about Etihw. Yes, it took him awhile to admit but he regretted everything he did to everyone, even the God he had married.

Now a days, everyone in the Grey world lived in harmony. Angels and demons seemed to live together without having hatred towards the other. Although Kcalb was married he still had this funny feeling whenever Wodahs was around or when he thought of him. There were days that the God Etihw would be alone in the castle and the two would sometimes stare at each other while Kcalb did his day routine around the castle.

Things have gotten harder and the two would give small hints of what they wanted of the other. A simple nod of the head towards a private room they could be alone. They only would make out and when things got too heated they parted with regret. But it got harder and more difficult for each other to part.

Like right now, Wodahs had pulled Kcalb by his tie towards his brother's room and sat him down onto his lap. You'd expect the demon king to be on top but the devil had become quite submissive to Wodahs. Kcalb could never forget the first time they had a first taste of each other. "Mm~" Kcalb wrapped his arms around his brothers neck as he began kissing back eagerly. He always tried so hard to hide his excitement but he waited too long for these moments.

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