They See You Sleeping(Part 2)

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* He will approach and see if you need something. Like a blanket or pillow. He'll even carry you to your shared bedroom or have you sleep in his lap as he works on signing paperwork.

* Sometimes he'll mind his own business. He doesn't need to treat you like a baby. Your a grown-up, you can look out for yourself to a certain degree. He's a workaholic, he has a ton of paperwork to check.


* He will watch you while you sleep(Much like his Papa). He's curious about you and when he was so tempted before you two even got together he stuck his finger in your mouth. Your mouth is still so warm and yet. He likes doing it up to now. You've started to suck on them too.~

* He loves taking care of you as you sleep. He even will sleep with you with no shame at all. He admires you so very much. It's actually more obsessive than you know. If only you knew.. but you won't.

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