They see you sleeping

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* He calls you an idiot and throws his coat ungracfully over your sleeping self.

* If someone comes to bother you he'll take care of them. If it's Satanick he doesn't have to worry about it anymore because you somehow have the sense to sense the Devil King himself and you are a Devil/Angel King/Queen a very strong one.


* He likes being a creep and just stare at you with a wicked smile while holding an innuendo. Run!

* He likes poking you with it and doesn't mind being chased away with your chainsaw! Where did you even get that??


* He brings a blanket and pillow and makes sure your very comfortable for your rest.

*Although he has things to do he will check in on you every once in awhile and if you wake up he has snacks already prepared for you. Your favorite.


* Will throw his coat over you and sit next to your sleeping form. He strokes your (h/c) a few times before drifting off to sleep with you.

* Somehow you two end up in each others arms where your laying on his chest.

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