Chapter 11

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Enjoy my lovlies!!!


Chapter 11

Since Xavier left on whatever business he had to attend to it felt like half of my half was gone.  We talked every night but it paled in comparison to him holding me.  Damn it, I missed him.  I tried to throw everything into my music, but it became mechanical.  I showed up every day and performed, but I definitely wasn’t at my best.  My heart wasn’t in it right now.  It hadn’t even been that long.  How had I not realized how much I relied on him?

Everyone noticed too, it wasn’t a secret. 

“Juliet,” Dad sighed one morning as I picked at my breakfast.

“Yeah, Dad?”

“I’m worried about you.”


“Since Xavier left, you’ve moped.”

“I know,” I sighed.  “I just have been feeling off.”

“You just finished recording that new soundtrack, right?”

“Yeah, they’re editing it now.”

“So you have a few weeks off, right?”

I nodded.  “Yeah, two weeks.”

“I was thinking, your sister has been wanting to go to Paris and your grandparents will be there this week too.  Why don’t you take a week to go and have some fun?  Bring Gwen with you, I know you two are good friends.”

I nodded.  “I might, Dad.”

“Let me know, I’ll see to it that the jet is prepared.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

I excused myself and called Xavier.  I was missing him far more than I wanted to admit.  I needed to hear his voice.

“Juliet?  What’s the matter?  Is everything alright?” Xavier asked, sounding out of breath.

“Nothing’s wrong, everything is fine.  What’s up?  Everything alright with you?”

“Ah, now is not really a good time for me, Juliet,”

“Oh, I just missed you is all,” I offered, feeling foolish and very put out.  I froze when I heard another voice on the line.

“Xavier, I need you in here.”

“Juliet, darling, I’ll call you later tonight.  I love you.” With that he hung up on me. 

Xavier hung up on me.  That other voice, it had been a woman’s voice calling to Xavier.  Who the hell was that?  Immediately, my insecurities chose to rear their ugly heads and my imagination began to run wild.  No.  I wouldn’t allow that.  There was no way.  Xavier wasn’t that sort.  Just because Chase had been a piss poor excuse of a human being and a shit-tastic boyfriend didn’t mean Xavier was that way.  In fact, I knew that wasn’t the case.  Chase had been cruel, selfish, and cold.  Xavier was warm, caring, and had loved me even when it wasn’t convenient to do so.  Let’s face it, I was rarely convenient.  Xavier loved me.  He’d proven it time and time again.  He’d even risked his career to love me.  Xavier loved me.  He’d even just said it.

Enough was enough.  It was time I stopped feeling sorry for myself.  What the hell was wrong with me?  I made my decision.  I was going to Paris. 

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