Chapter 26

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Here you go my darlings!!! I'll put up the same challenge, you gusy were really close last time, so when I have 175 votes and 75 comments you can early unlock the chapter  and I'll release it within 24 hours or I'll just post when I find time to finish it.  Enjoy my darlings!!!!


Chapter 26

I followed Chuck to a waiting car.  “You’re going to be blindfolded.  You don’t need to know where you’re going, and that last thing I want is for you to think any heroics are a good idea.”

“Fair enough.” I shrugged as I felt cold metal barrel of a gun press against my head.  

“And my good friend, Jax, over here is here to be sure you behave yourself.”

I black hood covered my head as I felt like I was being helped into a cop car as someone pushed my head down and I found myself in the back seat of the blacked out car.  

“So tell me, who are you exactly?”

“Juliet?” I answered, thrown off by the question.

“No, you misunderstand me.  Not your name, not your title, who are you?  I’m curious about you.”

“What’s there to say?” I had a funny feeling that my answers could be used against both myself and Xavier.  The last thing I wanted was to put him in more danger.

“Tell me about yourself.  How exactly did you and Xavier meet?”

“Why are you asking questions you already know the answer to?”

“How do you know I know the answer?”

“Because it doesn’t take a rocket-brain surgeon to figure out how we met.” I snapped.

“Touchy touchy,” Chuck clicked his tongue.  “So, I take it then that you met him when he was first hired as your advisor?”


“And how did he earn such a prestigious position?”

I shrugged.  “I’m going to be honest, I don’t really know how everything worked out.  At that point I was just kind of thrust into a media whirlwind.  I think my father was looking for damage control.”

Chuck chuckled at that.  “Damage control?  That is amusing.  Tell me, was it the cliche love at first sight?”

I shook my head.  “Hell no.  I wanted to punch him in the face when I met him.”

Chuck let out a full on laugh then, it was a warm laugh, and it didn’t seem like something he did often.  “I would very much love to have seen you do that.”

“So how do you and Xavier know each other?”

“I told you, he interfered with my father’s business.”

“Who is your father?”

“Have you ever heard of an organization known as Red?”

I shook my head.  “Not outside of a Crayola box.”

“I recommend you keep it that way.  And trust me, you do not need to know my father’s name, and you’ll be thankful if you never learn that.  You may be able to walk away from this as simply a victim ransomed off, but if you know too much, you will never leave.”

“So, you mentioned ransom, what are we talking here.  I’ve never exactly been in this position before.”

“Ah, yes, the last time you were abducted was by a group of amateurs.  Mr. Evans may have financial power and influence, but his cohorts are sloppy and leave trails.  Hence forth why the authorities are about three weeks away from apprehending his hired men.  They’ll sing like canaries once the law presses in.  He’s unstable and his father is going to get him killed.”

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