Chapter 35

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Okay guys, this chapter is the last filler chapter before all the drama starts happening and we start getting all of our answers.  I haven't edited yet, but enjoy my darlings!  Same incentive is out there.  175 votes and 75 comments for an early update.  Enjoy! <3


Chapter 35

Later that day I was woken up from a dreamless sleep by Jax pounding on the door.  We were moving to a new location.  I was more or less shoved into the car by Jax which earned a disapproving cluck of the tongue from Chuck but thankfully, they didn’t drug me this time.  Chuck was his usual bizarre, evasive self.

We drove for hours and Chuck would let me drift off to sleep as conversation would hit a lull.  The new place we went to was a beautiful mansion.  It was about the size of my father’s estate.  We were in the middle of nowhere.  

Chuck showed me around the estate while lunch was prepared.  He let me know that he expected we’d only be here for another three days or so then I would have options.  When we went down to have lunch Chuck seemed tense.


“Yeah?” I asked as I picked at my food.  It was good, and I was able to eat a little, but my full appetite hadn’t returned.  My thoughts were locked on Xavier and what he was doing right now.

“When this is finished, what do you plan to do?”

“What do you mean?”

“Exactly what I said.  What do you plan to do?”

I shrugged.  “Go back to my father’s for a little while.” I answered evasively.  I’d already decided what I was doing when this was all over.  I wanted to leave all this madness behind and start my life over.  

“You don’t have to.”

I looked up at him then.  I had half a feeling I knew what he was implying, but I wanted to be sure.  “I’m aware.  My option are limited though.”

Chuck shrugged.  “You would be welcome to stay if you wanted.  Not as a prisoner, of course, but as my guest.”

“I have a funny feeling Xavier wouldn’t be please about that.”

“What if something happens to Xavier?”

“Nothing is going to happen to Xavier.”

“If something did?”

“That would probably end me too.  Chuck, if you’re planning to do anything to Xavier, I’d advise against it.  I would never forgive you.  If something happens to Xavier, even if it’s an accident while he’s off running your errands or during this, whatever this is, I’m going to blame you.  Even if it isn’t your fault.  You’re too calculating for me to actually believe you would have had nothing to do with it.”

Chuck gave me a bitter smile.  “I knew I liked you for a reason.  Tell me, have you ever played chess?”

“I have.”

“I’d like to challenge you to a match.  It is a game suited for a mind like yours.” I nodded.  “Thanks for the compliment.”

We bantered back and forth, I was on my guard.  Chuck and I played chess, and he had me practice shooting various guns, similarly to how Xavier had originally been teaching me.  The next few days passed quickly.  I was elated the day Xavier returned.  

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