Chapter 23

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Here we go ladies and gents!  It's not as long as I'd like but I did promise an update today, so enjoy!  


Chapter 23

I went back out onto the dance floor.  I was ready for a fight.  Part of me had forgotten how to feel as of late, but I felt anger coursing through me.  Chase could play all of the games he wanted.  He was going to pay for what he’d done to me.  He was going to pay for what he did to my baby too.  I was going to end him.  If I could, I’d do it personally.  I had a cold confidence that comes with no longer caring about repercussions.  

I let anyone who wanted to dance with me dance.  It was going well enough when I got chills as the next gentleman took my waist.

“You look lovely, Juliet.” Half of his face was hidden behind a birdlike mask. 

“Thanks, I have no idea who you are.”

“You aren’t supposed to.  Isn’t that the point of masquerade?”

I shrugged.  “So, what’s your story?”

“We have mutual friends?”

“You don’t say? Like who?”

“Ethan for one.”

I tensed at that but didn’t stop dancing.  “So you’re chummy with Ethan?  Man, you’re either an idiot or as much of a slime ball as he is.  Tell me, which is it?”

“Awfully bold, aren’t you?”

I shrugged.  “Maybe I’m not afraid.”

“Then you’re the idiot here.”

I shrugged again.  “Yeah, well, I’ve never been accused of being a genius.” I sneered.  “So, what’s the game?  You twirl me out of here and what?  There’s a helicopter waiting?  No wait, you’re going to tie me up and leave me on the railroad tracks like a silent movie villain?”

I earned a chuckle then.  “Damn, you are something else.  How did you end up here?”

I raised an eyebrow.  “Well you see, when a mommy and daddy love each other very much, sometimes a baby happens then twenty-two years later you get an asshole like me.”

“You’ve got a smart mouth.”

“Sarcasm, one of the many services I offer.”

“I’d like to learn some of the other services.” He pressed himself closer to me and I was forced to step back or feel his excitement pressed against my leg.

“Back the fuck up before I get pissed.” I growled.  “I’ve already kicked Ethan in the family jewels.  I won’t think twice about giving you the same courtesy.”

He grinned then.  “Damn, you are spirited.  Have you been learning from Fiore?”

I shook my head.  “I’m my own flavor of crazy.  Just imagine what insanity is bouncing around in my head.  I know I have people gunning for my head and I practically handwrite you an invitation with this masquerade.  Think about it.  Why would I do that?”

He grinned.  “We had a feeling you were planning something.”

“More than something.  Be careful playing a game of chess.  You think you’re cornering the queen and suddenly you’re in checkmate with a bishop and a pawn.  I hope you know that you’re backing the losing side.”

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