Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Mike escorted me to a quiet corner in the ballroom, my back to the crowd. "I have to be able to see behind you. You'll have to give your back to the room. Don't worry. The excitement hasn't stared yet."

"What excitement are you expecting?"

"Give it twenty minutes and you'll see what I mean."

"Should people be leaving then?"

"Haven't you noticed the crowd thinning out? Henry and Cassandra are gone, so are the royal children. Fiore is here, but that's because she's Fiore and a crock shot."

I glanced around. He was right. What had been close to five hundred was closer to two hundred or less now. "Okay, so what does that mean?"

"It means take a close look at who you recognize."

I realized the people I could point out were my father, it looked like Angelica and Millie were gone, but my grandparents were present as well Luca and his family. "I'm guessing the rest aren't friendly?"

"Some of them are. Some of them aren't."

"Glad you could clear that up."

"Don't worry, we've figured out who was in charge. Several of these people are mercenaries who kill for money. Our bet is that their goal isn't to kill you here."

"Your bet? Are you fucking kidding me?"

Mike smiled. "I never bet on a losing horse. Relax."

"You're not the one who's head is a potential target."

"Relax," Mike repeated. His entire demeanor oozed relaxed. I could tell he knew everything that was going on in the room, yet there was not tension in his body. "There's a reason Xavier called us and chose me to protect you now."

"Xavier chose you?"


"How do you know Xavier?"

"Mutual adversaries."

"Such as?"

"His father."

"Can you tell me anything about him?"

Mike smiled at me. "Xavier's being tightlipped?"

I nodded. "He won't tell me anything other than his father is a despicable piece of - " Suddenly Mike cut me off and pulled me behind him.

"My, my, my . . ." a voice like silk came from behind me. My blood ran cold but at the same time it was a soothing voice. "Not talking about me, I hope."

I looked up at a man who towered over me. Not hard when you're as short as me, but this man knew he was large and used it to his advantage. "Who are you?"

"I believe you are quite acquainted with my son."

"Jeremiah," Mike grinned. "You've aged."

"As have you, Mike, particularly around the middle."

"Who are you?" I asked again.

"That is Xavier's father." Mike replied, his voice flat and all the humor his eyes held moments ago was gone. There was a tension, an energy thrumming through Mike. He was on high alert.

"You?" His smile widened. "You're the one . . . you killed his mother."

"Is that what he told you?" the man named Jeremiah started. He was wearing a checkered mask that kept his face concealed, but was wearing a crimson cloak. "Always did have a flair for the dramatic, my boy, did. Mike, I have seven guns pointed at your head. You should let the girl go."

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