Chapter 36

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Alright, you guys earned this!  Same incentive 175 votes and 50 comments earns an update within 24 hours.  I haven't edited yet, but I hope you enjoy!  

By the way, this is dedicated to Yukz23 for a correct guess.  You'll have to read to figure out what was right!  ;)


Chapter 36

I was lifted and thrown over someone’s shoulder.  It had to be Jax.  I was carried and I felt when we went inside.  I heard the greeting and hated being out of control.  The awkward angle had my gun digging into my back.  It was a small comfort.  

“Good to see you again, my boy.” I heard Jeremiah’s voice.  

“Jeremiah, it’s been a while.”

“Quite.  I just got a shipment in this morning.  Come with me, I’ll show you the stock.  Leave the goons.”

“I have no intention of leaving my best bargaining chip out of my sight.”

“Very well, Jax may come, but your other two hired guns can play with my men.  Clear?”

“Fair enough.” 

“First off, I would like to see that you are true to your word.”  The hood was ripped off of my head and the light in the room seemed blinding as my eyes adjusted.  “Good,”

“Asshole,” I grunted.

“Still with that brave, little mouth of hers.  I have to admit, I’m impressed Chuck.”

“You act as though you’re surprised.”

“I admit I am, though I probably shouldn’t be.  You are the best at what you do.”  I glared around the room.  Something still felt off.  This wasn’t right.  I gulped.  “You’ve even managed to instill fear on that pretty face of hers.  I must say, it’s an expression that suits you.”

“Burn in hell your worthless sack of shit.” I bit out.

“I’ll see you there, I’ll even reserve a special seat for you.  You’re fiery, I can see why my son fancies you.”

“You’re the worst kind of filth.”


“How dare you act self righteous?  You’re a murderer, and smuggler, and probably a human trafficker.”

Jeremiah laughed then.  “It is a long forgotten tradition, those of noble birth were often granted privileges.”

“I don’t care who’s family tree your sorry ass sprouted from, the only good thing that’s come from you is Xavier.”

“Without me, there would be no Xavier.  Now, hush child, the adults are talking.  Chuck, come along, what strikes your fancy today?  Art?  Narcotics?  Weapons?  Or are you looking for a more pleasurable purchase?”

“Let’s see the lot.  I’m sure we can strike a deal.” 

“Follow me,” 

I was carried down an immaculate stone staircase to what I could only describe as a dungeon.  My heart was hammering in my throat.  If something was going to go wrong, this seemed the place most likely.  

“It seems you’ve taught her better manners than my son,” Jeremiah chortled.

“It takes a delicate hand to teach a woman.  You wouldn’t know that.”

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