Chapter 8

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To everyone who has been patient about this, thank you, it's finally here.  There is still a lot going on in my life, things I'd prefer not to disclose on here.  Just know that your understanding is appreciated when I don't update promptly.  However, a huge part of it was that I've had writer's block.  You should be thankful though, I've gotten next to no sleep the past two nights because I've finally been inspired and able to get back into Juliet's head!  ^.^ this is the precise reason that this is up and ready, I hope you enjoy!


Chapter 8

I threw everything I needed into my suitcase and dragged it downstairs.  As soon as he saw me Luca insisted upon taking my bag.  It was stupid heavy so I let him.  Wish I hadn’t because a moment later Xavier came up to take it from him.  Great another pissing contest. 

“Xavier,” I purred as I pulled him by the hand. “You get to hold a lot more than my suitcase.” I whispered in his ear, which caused his cheeks to tint pink slightly.  I couldn’t suppress the giggle.

I hadn’t thought I’d spoken loud enough for anyone else to hear but Luca was glaring at Xavier.  He then smiled politely at me.  “Juliet, I would like for you to meet my mother,” he introduced me in Italian to a beautiful woman.  She had Chiara’s figure and had beautiful long dark hair and sun kissed skin. 

“I am Paola.  You’re grandmother has spoken most highly of you.” Her voice purred.  She was beautiful and I was intimidated by her.  Something that didn’t usually happen.  There was something about her I was instantly wary of. 

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I smiled at her. I don’t know how good my acting skills were, but I hoped they were up to par.  I felt fake as that plastic smile didn’t reach my eyes and I wanted to get out of the room as quickly as possible.  “If you’ll excuse me, I need to find my sister.”

It wasn’t hard to find Angie.  She was already waiting outside.  Luckily Gwen was there too.  I bounded towards them.  “Hey, how’s it going?” I smiled at them both.

“How are you doing?” Gwen teased as she gave me a playful wink.

“Awesome.” I smiled right back at her, daring her to argue.  She burst into fits of giggles and Angelica, red faced and blushing was laughing too.  “And what in God’s name is so funny?” I demanded of them.

Gwen looked at Angelica once she’d calmed down and had the gall to say, “Now we know why she’s in a good mood or not.”

I smacked her across the back of the head.  “Don’t give my little sister ideas!” I snapped.

“Juliet, you’ve given me nothing but ideas,” Angelica pointed out.

I gave her a flat look.  She didn’t need to remind me that I had successfully corrupted her.  I felt the growl of annoyance in my throat.  I dislike it very much when people point out my faults.  Especially ones like that.  Thankfully, a very familiar pair of arms chose that moment to encircle my waist.  I relaxed against that chest that I knew so well and breathed in his intoxicating scent. 

“What’s wrong, love?” he purred into my ear and at that moment Angelica and Gwen burst into laughter once more.  “Did I miss something?” Xavier asked, and eyebrow raised. 

“They’re making fun of me mostly, don’t stress over it,” I replied, my annoyance still obvious.

“Fun of you?  Over what?”

“Gwen is mad that I’m getting laid and she is not.” I snipped.  As always I have an amazing sense of timing.

“Ehem,” I heard a cough and looked over to see not only my grandparents, but Luca, Chiara, and their parents all of them had heard my little comment.  “Juliet,” my grandfather started.

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