Chapter 4

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To my wonderful, fantabulous, and ever patient readers, I have to say thank you all for sticking with me through it.  I am so sorry this took so long, but finals happened, and I've been working like mad, and now I actually have internet in my apartment so I will be able to update more regularly.  However, I should warn you all that I am taking summer classes and should be graduating from uni in less than a year *does happy dance* which I'm sure you care so much about because once I've graduated I won't have to spend time on school and be able to focus on work/writing :D

This is dedicated to Landg1rl simply because I saw that she read the whole RPITA and this in one go when I began writing this chapter, so I added her name to that of dedications.  Once again, I'm sorry this took so long and I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 4

After a week in Italy, Farrah noticed my struggle with the language and decided it might be a good idea for me to get a tutor. 

“We have a family up here that we are great friends with and have been for years.  The Lupica’s.  They have a daughter and son about your age.  Chiara and Luca.  What do you think?”

“Um, I would hate to impose,”

“Don’t be silly, if it were an issue I wouldn’t have suggested it.”


“They’re already coming for dinner.”


“Don’t fret yourself.  Come along, we’re heading out to the market now.”

“I’m not feeling well,” Gwen interjected.

“I was hoping to relax on the beach,” Angelica sighed. 

“That’s fine, we’ll just go out,” Farrah led me out and I was resigned to follow.


“Yes, Farrah?”

“Since you’ve been here, something has been troubling you.”

I shrugged.

“May I ask you a personal question?”

I shrugged.  “I guess,”

“What did your mother say about me?  About us?”

I sighed.  “Not much to be honest.”

“If you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t force you, but I would really like to know.”

 “Farrah, don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t know how to talk to you about it yet.”

Farrah nodded.  “Very well, child, when you’re ready.  Oh look, there’s Chiara!”

I looked to see a beautiful olive skinned girl about my age.  She had sparkling brown eyes, the reddish brown of mahogany, and her hair was the deep brown that looks almost black in some light and brilliantly dark brown in the sun as it was now.  She had an athletic body and was remarkably well dressed. 

***A/N I'm putting Italian in here, and the translation in brackets, just so there isn't any confusion***

“Ciao! Ciao!” Chira smiled.  “Come stai?” [Hello, how are you?]

“Abbastanza bene. Come?” [I'm pretty well, you?]

“Bene!  Multo bene!  Chi è il tuo amica?” [Great.  Who is your friend?]

“Questo è il mia nipote, Juliet,” [This is my granddaughter, Juliet]

“Piacere,” Chiara smiled. [Pleased to meet you.]

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