Chapter 6

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I know I'm late, but I'm also on crutches so please, bear with me.  It's not as long as I would have wanted, but it was a good place to stop it.  I hope you enjoy<3


Chapter 6

I woke up to my cheek pressed against something cold.  It took me a long moment to open my eyes.  I realized I was on the floor.  In the kitchen.  Everything hurt.  I looked around and saw a pair of boots.  I looked up and saw Luca smiling down and at me.  He was sitting on the counter eating an apple. 

“Buon giorno, bella,”

“What are you doing?” I groaned up at him as I pulled myself into a sitting position.

“I was wondering the same about you.”

 I covered my eyes with my hands.  I was definitely feeling the after effects of too much alcohol last night.  “What time is it?”

“Almost seven.”

“Damn, I’ve only had a few hours of sleep.”

“And I see you polished off several bottles of wine yourself.”

I looked and saw four empty bottles by me and realized I still had a half empty one in my hand.

“What has you so upset?”

“Nothing,” I snapped.  I remembered where my mind was last night.  I hated that it still bothered me as much as it did.

“Nothing rarely has such effects.” Luca purred and then took another bite. “How are you feeling?”

“Like shit,”

Luca laughed and jumped down.  He offered me his hand and helped me up. 

“Thanks,” He pulled me to my feet and the world spun.  “Oh shit,” he caught me before I fell. 

“Are you alright, bella?”

I pushed off of him and nodded.  “Peachy.  I just need a shower.  Then I’ll feel better.”

“Would you like help upstairs?”


Luca laughed again.  “Come here.” Luca picked me up before I could protest. 

“Put me down.”

“Once you’re upstairs.” Luca was carrying me upstairs despite my weak protests. 

“Juliet, are you alright?” I heard Xavier’s voice ring out.

“Xavier,” I gracelessly managed to flop out of Luca’s arms.  He caught me again before I hit the floor. 

“Juliet, what’s wrong?”

“She’s hungover.” Luca smiled.  “I was merely helping her into the shower.”

Xavier took me from Luca and cradled me against his chest.  “Your assistance is not necessary.” Xavier growled.  I loved the way his voice reverberated around in his chest.  “I have got her from here, thank you very much.”  I cuddled against the warmth of his chest as he carried me.  “Juliet, what’s going on?”

“Just stuff,” I murmured.

“Such as?”

“Stupid stuff.  It’ll pass.”  Xavier sat me down on the toilet in my bathroom.  He went to get a washcloth and damped it and placed it against my forehead. 

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