Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The feeling started coming back slowly.  It was awful, like pins and needles then slowly that escalated to a fierce burn which then faded to a dull ache.  I wanted to cry most of the night as my body regained sensation.  It was one of the worst feelings in my life.  God help Chuck when I got out of this.  I got up out of bed and checked out my room.  There was a modest full sized bed and a joining bathroom, not as glamorous as the last one, but not bad none the less.  The bathroom was fully stocked and in the chair by the bed was a pair of jeans and a tank top and a sweatshirt.

I washed my face and laid down.  I was dog tired and knew I’d need my rest for whatever Chuck’s ‘surprise’ was.  I woke up to a loud pounding on my door.  

“Get up princess,” Jax growled.  “or I will pull you out of that bed.  Chuck wants you downstairs for breakfast in ten minutes.  Get your ass up or I’ll drag you down there.”

“Charming as ever!” I shouted then grumbled, “Neanderthal.” I got up and splashed some water on my face, brushed my teeth, and changed quickly.  “I’m ready,” I called through the door.  It was unlocked and I was marched down to the dining room where Chuck was waiting.  This dining room was more modest than in the last house.  This table only sat six.

“Good morning, Juliet.” 


“Did you sleep well?”

“Not really.” I answered honestly as I took the seat to his right.

“Why not?”

“Well, considering my body felt like it was on fire most of the night.  What the hell did you give me anyway?”

“Oh that, it’s just a new neurotoxin we’re testing.”



“So, you didn’t know if it would, you know, kill me or something?”

Chuck shrugged.  “I didn’t think it would if that’s any consolation.  Besides, I was right after all.”

“Gee, thanks,”

“Don’t be so ungrateful.  I have a present for you.”

“What’s that?”

“An opportunity and a choice.  As you mentioned before I am a businessman.  I have accepted the offer Chase made with some conditions.”

I felt my blood run cold and I knew the fear was obvious on my face.  “Chase?  Did you fucking sell me to Chase?”

Chuck shook his head.  “Hardly.  Did I not just say you have a choice?  Juliet, I made conditions.  He will have to come alone and unarmed.  He knows if he does not comply I will not hesitate to shoot on sight.  You on the other hand, I am willing to arm.  I will give you a gun.  You must choose, victim or victor?  Predator or prey?”

“You-you want me to shoot Chase?”

Chuck shook his head.  “No, I want you to kill him.”

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