C1: Already?

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*After Season 1, before Season 2, for people that have only watched the anime*

Normal POV

     Meliodas's slumber had been interrupted by the sound of a bicker taking place in the bar. He had thought to himself it was nothing, until King spoke up with a rather loud tone of voice that simply did not suit him.

"WHAT THE HECK, BAN?!" King angrily flared at Ban. (King doesn't curse...he's my lil' cinnamon bun, so I changed hell :3)

"GET OUT OF MY WAY NEXT TIME, DAMMIT!!" Ban seemed to yell back.

"I-It's just a little spilled beer...T-that's it!!" Chimed a gentle and familiar voice to Meliodas. Elizabeth, he thought. Trying to calm the two irritated Sins down seemed the opposite of plausible at the time to her.

"SHUT UP PRINCESS! THIS IS OUR BUSINESS!" Ban shouted at Elizabeth.

 A step backward echoed through Meliodas's empty mind, causing him to be alert and rush down the stairs, catching Elizabeth in his muscular arms. 

    His head slowly rose to their expressionless faces, the growl surprising them, "Which one of you was it?"

     Their gazes all dug into Meliodas as King raised his left pointer finger to Ban with semi-wide eyes. "Yeah, whatever." The fox sin threw his hands up and sat on a bar stool.

     The next moment they were both gone, and Elizabeth was safely brought back to her feet. A loud 'thud' was heard in the back, then a door opening.

"Don't touch her again, Ban. I'm warning you." He growled through gritted teeth.

"Cap't, com-"

CLERCH! His body went, flying far off into a mountain, three miles away. Meliodas wandered back into the bar, dusting his hands and clothes off with a smile on his face.

"Now that that's done with." He mumbled to himself. 

"Huh? Where'd Elizabeth go?"

"She told us she was going upstairs..." Diane replied.

"She didn't say anything else." King added.

     In an instant, broken glass shattered and fell to the floor. A muffled scream sounded from the top of the stairs. "ELIZABETH?" Meliodas shouted, disappearing to the second floor. Diane and King quickly followed. 

They all jumped from the window, following the trail of blood.

"That way!" They ran towards the shrouded forest, the tainted grass being smushed at their feet. A cloaked figure seemed to be running north, toward the town. A crowd of people would be the best place to lose us..! Meliodas thought.

"Don't let him get away!" Meliodas shouted once more, spotting a clearing up ahead. It appeared that a man with black hair and cloak, was on top of a silver-haired woman that was fatally injured. Don't die on me now, Elizabeth! The man heard his last shout and quickly scattered. Meliodas told Diane and King to chase after him while he sank to his knees next to his beloved Elizabeth.

"S-Sir...M-Meliodas..." she gave a weak smile. 

He started to cry into her chest. "You can't leave me...Not again! Don't...Die in my arms...again..." He quietly added, tears trailing down his face, and falling to hers.

Those words were the the last words she heard before drifting into darkness, the stinging pain coming from her abdomen area. Elizabeth smiled weakly once more before closing her eyes, the overpowering darkness enveloping her.


Ok. Edited, republished. I apologize for those of you that read the last version, because it was truly cringeworthy. <3

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Hope you enjoyed

Vi out~

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