Help Is On The Way

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Elizabeth's POV

      "Wh-where am I?" I mumbled, soon awakening from a deep slumber. 

"So over used.." I heard a woman say from the shadows. "Don't remember me? Little Ellie?" She gave a little giggle and revealed herself from the shadows. "M-Mela?" I stuttered. (Btw I made the name Mela up and it's my anime name. I swear this is coincidental if you know someone named Mela in an anime or show) 

"There you go." She paused and sighed. She gave a slight smile and started, "Well, with all that's happened..." She paused again and got quiet, mumbling a few words to herself. Once more she went on, "Anyways, now that I have you here, what am I going to do? Oh, I don't know...Torture you? Make you feel the pain you inflicted on me all those years ago," she got louder. "To make you know the hell I went through, to have open wounds without gauzes, to have no one to help, to just leave me there was barbaric..." She stopped and looked at me with cold, lifeless eyes.

     "What did I ever do to you? Why is it so unforgivable that you feel the need necessary to do these unbearable acts?" She just glared at me. I tried going to her, but I very quickly realized I was in chains. Hands and legs, in the middle of a room. The room was more of a furnished cave, blood on the walls, you know, the usual for a torture chamber. I just stared at the ground processing everything. 

She broke the silence with a slow cut on my arm. "Let's begin." She whispered in my ear. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from screaming out in pain. I finally stopped biting my lip about 5 minutes later, when the knife was taken out of my arm, and across it was spelled "Jealousy". 

I barely got the words out of my mouth, "Why?" (Well pretty much word..) She then jabbed another knife into my other arm. I again bit my lip to stop the screams from coming out. "I want you to feel, no..I want you to endure the pain you made me suffer through.." She took the knives out and jabbed me in the abdomen.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I let out a terrified shriek. 

"Yes..Scream. SUFFER!" She yelled as she stuck the knife farther into my abdomen. 

"ST-STOP!" I managed. She just stuck it further and further until she was satisfied. She twisted and turned it and finally took it out. I let out a sigh of relief as tears fell from my eyes, and blood from everywhere on my body. My clothes were stained, and there was no hope of coming back now. 

Then I heard something from behind me. I tried to lift my head, but it was useless. My breathing was shallow and yet the walls felt as though they were closing in on me. I figured out that the sound behind me was a whip. *SNAP* "AHHH!" I screamed. *SNAP* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed again.

About half an hour later, she stopped. My back was numb from all the sore pain I felt, and am feeling. My vision is blurry from all the tears that were shed, and my face all dry from not having any left. The blood on my body had dried up. My breathing was shaky and shallow. "Suffer." She said before she left me hanging in the middle of a dark cave, alone, and on the verge of dying. 

"Mela..Just kill me...already." I whispered, knowing she wouldn't hear me. My breathing dense as my vision failed, the last thing I heard was a familiar voice in the distance yelling my name as I fell into darkness.

Meliodas's POV

"Dammit, dammit, dammit! Where the hell could she possibly be?" We kept searching the man's corpse but couldn't find any clues. No tattoos, no notes, no hints, no maps, nothing. We are completely clueless about Elizabeth's whereabouts. Merlin came down the stairs. "I know where she is." I rushed over her and pinned her to the wall. (No..kiddos...stop..) "Tell me...Where she is." Letting my hair cover my face whilst looking at the ground. *BRYCE PAPENBROOK CLICHE AF*

"Kalabrook Cave. About 15 miles from here." Merlin replied.

I gave a smile and looked at her as she snapped her fingers and I was outside a cave. I heard screams from inside. "ELIZABETH?!?" I yelled as I rushed into the cave only to see a hooded figure with a gentle voice. "Meliodas." The mysterious figure said. Out of the darkness they came, only to reveal a woman..That I knew. "Mela? H-how? You died. I saw you die!" She smiled.

"Oh but I am very much alive..Though we will get into depth later." She then disappeared. You bitch. You're going to pay for whatever you did to Elizabeth, I said in my head.

I traveled deeper into the cave and found a room with blood everywhere. On the walls, floor, ceiling even. Then I found a silver-haired beauty hanging in chains in the center of the room. I stood there gazing at her lifeless, limp body, unable to move mine. When I came to, I rushed over to her and took the chains off, letting her body fall into my arms. She had a heartbeat, but it was fading away. 

I sprinted with all my speed out of the cave and saw Mama pig outside with everyone waiting. I jumped up and entered the Boar Hat, everyone following closely behind. I hurried up the steps and placed her on a bed. Merlin got a vile and dripped it on her wounds. Damn..She has blood and wounds everywhere. I lifted her body up and she slightly opened her eyes and mumbled my name. "" "Elizabeth? Elizabeth?" Her eyes closed and her heartbeat stopped. "Why..WHY??" I yelled, as darkness overcame me, and a powerful force took over my body.


OOOOOO Don't ask me why this took over 2 and a half hours to write (No I wasn't listening to a music and watching anime while messaging people..) Anyways the song is Little Do You Know. I dunno! Haha it reminds me of NNT for some reason. Hope you enjoyed.

Later nerds~

Meliodas x Elizabeth (Nanatsu No Taizai)Where stories live. Discover now