Not Again, Sir

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Normal POV


She sighed. "I-I guess." She took his hand and they traveled to the mortal realm.

A month later

"Elizabeth.." Meliodas purred. He tiptoed through the house to find his prey. "Elizabeth..." He called again. He saw a figure move in the darkness beyond. He smiled to himself and took her hands. Her eyes went wide as her breathing hitched. "Meliodas! Don't do that!" She whispered.

"Aww, why not? I just want your soul." He called, letting it echo through the unlit and silent room. Elizabeth's eyes widen even more. She struggled in his grip. He let her go, he loved playing with his meals before he watched them scream as their souls left their body. 

The Sins had gone into town, along with the accompanist pig. Meliodas said he had to keep Elizabeth home for physical reasons. She had still been having nightmares every so often. Every other two or three nights, she would say. In reality, he had kept her home to toy with her and her soul that would soon be his.

He ran after her in the deserted hallways. She had been trying to find the door, a window, anything leading to the outside to escape the famished demon. "Where are you goddess?~" He sang. No response was given of course.

"Meliodas..Please stop this!" Elizabeth said. Meliodas turned around and pinned her to the ground, his demon mark now visible to the immobile goddess.

"Gotcha!" He whispered in her ear, with an ominous tone of voice. She didn't struggle or try to move within his tight grip which was rather unnecessary. 

She had accepted her fate. He was a demon, she was a goddess. Elizabeth had feared that the day would come when someone would take her soul. The only thing she feared though, was that the demon would be Meliodas.  

"Meliodas..Stop. You know who you are, just snap out of it!" She whispered as he licked her neck. 

"Mm~ I don't know what you're talking about.." He bit down, she flinched. "I've always wanted the soul of a goddess.." His father's words echoed in his ears.

The soul of a goddess tastes like heaven and more. You must take the one you have been nurturing for years..Meliodas, my son, snatch it from her while you still have a chance..

Then he disappeared and Meliodas never saw him again. His image and words were stuck in his head, though. They stayed like it was taped to his brain. He couldn't shake his father out. He was there wherever he went, whatever he did, whoever he was talking to, he was there. 

"Elizabeth..If you give it willingly it will only taste worse..Please fight back.." His words tunneled through her ears and she started struggling. She wanted him to be satisfied. To see her dead on the floor, soulless. All because of his and his father's doing. 

The door burst open to reveal the Sins. "Elizabeth? Captain?" They all called. Elizabeth's eyes widened as Meliodas's head cocked in that direction. He started to panic as he took her soul as fast he could. An ear piercing scream emitted from Elizabeth's throat as Ban and Diane rushed to them.

They opened the door and saw their Captain taking Elizabeth's soul from her almost lifeless body. Ban flew at his Captain to get him away from the soul, while Diane was clueless on the whole 'soul' thing. King came in not too long after. (So I don't know the whole thing with souls, whether or not only demons can put them back in? So I'm just going to assume that)

"CAPTAIN, PUT HER SOUL BACK, NOW!" Ban yells at the rabid demon. 

Elizabeth had lost consciousness the moment her soul left her body. Diane had been at her side. King had been restraining Meliodas alongside Ban. 

Meliodas x Elizabeth (Nanatsu No Taizai)Where stories live. Discover now