Love is Forbidden

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Merlin's POV

     We need to get everyone out of here..Before he goes complete berserk and doesn't have control over what he's doing. "Evacuate! Ban, get Elizabeth out." Before we all escaped untouched, "Perfect Cube!" Around the boar hat. "Are we going to leave Captain there, or what?" I heard Diane say. "We have to. The nearest town is about 23 miles North." We started walking.

Meliodas's POV

     "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The screams that Elizabeth gave rang in my ears, over and over again. I couldn't take it anymore, and let my demon control me. All I remember was destruction, and someone on the floor. Bleeding to death.

Is that...

Diane's POV

I really hope Captain is alright. I know he's a demon and all, but I'm worried. We all are worried. The last time he let his demon side take over was with the battle against Hendrickson. And with Elizabeth...Gone..It'll only get worse.

Elizabeth's POV

     Am I..Dead? I'm thankful if I am. I can't go through that pain ever again. I have no idea why Mela would do that. I don't remember much about her, or about any of my childhood. Though, of her, it's just blank. When I saw her, the name just slipped out. "Mela." I said to myself, as memories came flooding back into my mind.


Mela's POV (In the flashback) 

I heard laughing from behind the wagon, and I knew Ellie was there. I walked around a little more to make her think she was alone. ~giggle~ "Where could she possibly be? Ellie? Where are you?" I said, making her think I was clueless of her whereabouts. 

I turned the corner. ~giggle~ "There you are!" I said. "You found me! My turn!" She replied. "I wish I could Ellie, but your father wants me for an important mission. I'll be back soon. Come on, let's go back to the castle." I held her hand and walked through the forest.

*10 minutes later*

"AHHHHHHH!" I heard Ellie scream from behind me. "What is it?" I replied cautiously. "B-b-bug!" I looked back and saw a snake. "No..That's a reptile." I kicked it, and it slithered away into darkness. "No..Not that..Him!" I looked up and saw a man with the face of a bug. 8 eyes, 4 legs, and a sword in hand. I immediately unsheathed my sword. "What do you want?" I yelled.

"Oh nothing but the princess and her guardian of Liones. Dead or alive, I heard." The..uh bug-man replied.

"You're not having her, or me!" 

I told Ellie to take shelter in a nearby log. "Haaaaaaaaaaa!" I screamed and jumped up to slash the bug-man. I missed and fell back to the ground. "Spirit of Sorrow and Isolation...Dwell in my body..Vinea!" Shoot wrong anime. My bad!

I decided why not, and used my special ability. "Shadow Step." I was engulfed in black flames and sent a shadow flying at the bug-man. "Ha. Child's play." It said. It easily dodged the shadows. I mumbled a few words and the bug-man fell, wings broken, blood everywhere. "Didn't dodge that one, did you?" I stabbed the bug-man in the chest and went to look for Ellie. 

"Ellie? Where'd you go?" 

"I'm here!" She replied.

"The danger is gone. You can come out now." I gave a smile of reassurance. "Ellie?" I said once more. 

"This child is mine."

*End of Flashback*

Elizabeth's POV

I woke up only to find myself in a cold sweat, and in a cave. "What happened after that..?" I whispered to myself. "Hey, did you guys hear something?" I heard from outside. I quickly hid behind a rock. "Yo guys, the Princess is gone! How the hell.." I heard a familiar voice. Ban? I asked myself. 

I then looked around the rock and saw everyone. Should I hide, or reveal myself? What if something happened and I was responsible? Should I even be alive? "Princess?" He whispered. "Elizabeth?" A female voice rang. Diane? Dammit..At this rate they'll find me. 

I furrowed my brows and stood up from behind the rock. "Elizabeth!" Diane said and ran over to me, then embraced me in a hug. "We need to stop meeting like this.." I replied. She scratched the back of her head and closed one eye. "I guess we do." She stuck her tongue out and smiled. 

"So..Um..How am I..?" I asked. Merlin replied with, "I have no idea. The curse inside of you must've stopped you from dying. Though Captain will be pleased, he is far away by now." She paused, then continued. "That witch. An old acquaintance of yours, I take it?" She asked.

"I'm assuming she was. Though the memories I have from her are vague, I remembered a little. She was my protector for when I lived in the palace. My guardian, you could say." I paused and looked at the ground. "And..Curse?" I replied. 

"Indeed. The venomous curse of death. Known to anyone so unfortunate to stumble upon it, that they slowly rot from the earth and die." she said.

"That means.." I held my chest from the burning pain emitting from it. "Ahh.." I grunted, taking hold of the wall. "Hey, you good?" Ban said as he put his hand on my shoulder to steady me up.

"Yeah..I think. Hey Merlin, is there any way to destroy it?" I said. "I'll have to look into it. Come on, the town isn't too far away. You think you can walk?" She replied. "Ahh.." I grunted once more and held my chest. "AHHHH!" I screamed in agony as I fell to my knees. 

My breathing was shallow and dense, though I was taking in all that I could. Merlin was beside me citing some spell, while Diane had tears in her eyes, while King and Ban were freaking out.

"Dic fatum tuum in pace et ante passionem et mortem tuam." She said. (Tell thy fate, for thy shall live in peace, before thy suffer and die.) Oh btw, can anyone see Merlin speaking Latin? I sure as hell can. XD

I started panicking as sweat formed on my forehead, and a blackness absorbed the area around me. An obsidian color that felt like bricks formed on my skin as the darkness that I knew so well, was welcomed into my mind.


Spicy...I'm tired. I got bored so I wrote another. I might only write one or two chapters every week because I'm busy during the weekdays. Meh. I'll figure something out. Hope you enjoyed!!!


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