C2: Come back

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Normal POV



"Don't let him get away!" Meliodas shouted once more, spotting a clearing up ahead. It appeared that a man with black hair and cloak, was on top of a silver-haired woman that was fatally injured. Don't die on me now, Elizabeth! The man heard his last shout and quickly scattered. Meliodas told Diane and King to chase after him while he sank to his knees next to his beloved Elizabeth.

"S-Sir...M-Meliodas..." she gave a weak smile.

He started to cry into her chest. "You can't leave me...Not again! Don't...Die in my arms...again..." He quietly added, tears trailing down his face, and falling to hers.

Those words were the the last words she heard before drifting into darkness, the stinging pain coming from her abdomen area. Elizabeth smiled weakly once more before closing her eyes, the overpowering darkness enveloping her.     


Two weeks had passed and the princess still hadn't returned. Meliodas worried about what had happened after her death, despite the fact that he has witnessed it numerous times, and has been accountable for many...The Captain replayed the gruesome scenes over and over in his mind for days, beating himself up over the fact that he can never stop it from happening. It's inevitable; Elizabeth always dies.

His hands were running angrily through his spiky, blonde hair while questions pooled into his already flooded mind. 

Why does this always happen to her?

Who was that man? 

Why Elizabeth? 

What did he want?

The Dragon Sin finally closed his eyes from exhaustion and drifted off quite quickly, into a nightmare-filled slumber.


Two Days Later


"Captain?" Diane called out. 

"Are you okay, Captain?" She repeated.

Meliodas opened his eyes to see three of his fellow sins; King, Ban and Diane.

"Yo Cap'n, get up already you lazy bum. It's no fun around here without you." Ban pointed out, adding a half-assed yawn at the end of his sentence.

Meliodas, ignoring his friend's calls, suddenly saw a flash of light and the image of his departed beloved. His eyes widened as he hastily removed himself from the bed and followed what seemed to be Elizabeth. The three others tailed him once he was out of the Boar Hat, since curiosity is a trait everybody possesses. At least twenty minutes had passed before he came to a halt outside of a high-end tavern with a sign on top of the door, swaying back and forth with the words "Hail Ale" engraved on it.

The Deadly Sins entered the bar and gasped when they saw a familiar someone. Meliodas raised his head when people stared and started murmuring about them; Elizabeth included. Ban was his usual self, Diane had wide eyes and King's jaw was nearly on the floor. Their Captain grinned and motioned to a table in the corner. Just as he had thought, Elizabeth was making her way over to them.

He propped his legs onto the table and leaned back in his chair with his hands linked behind his head. Before Elizabeth could open her mouth, however, he spoke.

"We'll need four ales, if ya don't mind." 

Elizabeth smiled and nodded.

Once everybody had resumed their individual talking and noise become apparent once more in the tavern, Diane decided to start on a certain topic.

"So, you knew she was here...How?"

"Just did."

"You just...d-"

"Here you go! Four a- Whaaa!" Elizabeth tripped and almost spilled the delicious, alcoholic beverages but was caught by Meliodas before that could happen. In the act of catching her, however, his face ended up in her bosom. Elizabeth's face very quickly lit up as he flashed her a cheeky smile and returned her to her feet, placing the remaining three ales on the table. Ban had already snatched one while Elizabeth nearly emptied the stein on him.

"I-I'm so sorry, sir! I'm new to the job and-"

"That's alright, it happens, ya know? Maybe you should check out the Boar Hat sometime! We need a poster girl, and you'd be perfect."

"Um, t-thank you for your offer, but I have a job...Enjoy your drinks."

Meliodas placed one hand on his hip and one hand on his chin as he turned around to face the table. "She resisted my charm..."

Ban snickered while almost spitting out the liquid in his mouth, "What charm, Captain?"

His statement went through one ear and out the other, not even registering to Meliodas as he downed his ale and left the tavern.

Diane tilted her head slightly while King asked, "Where do you think he's going? And- argh, walking out on a tab??" When he finished that sentence, Ban walked out as well. There goes their money.

Diane sighed and smiled, placing a couple coins on the table. She got up and held out a hand for King. A light blush was displayed on his cheeks as he accepted her hand and got up, leaving the tavern behind the other two sins. 


Elizabeth wondered after they had left. Her shift only had a few minutes left, and it's been about an hour since the sins had exited the tavern. 

That boy...He said 'the Boar Hat', right? Maybe I'll ask around...

She decided to ask her boss, "Sir, those people that came in and everybody was talking about, who were they?"

"Well, Elizabeth! You went on a journey with them for goodness sake! You saved the kingdom with them! How can you not remember the Seven Deadly Sins? I believe the four that entered were...Meliodas, their Captain, Ban, the Sin of Greed, King, the Sin of Sloth, and another girl whom I did not recognize, perhaps she was not a sin?"

"But sir, you must be mistaking me for somebody else. I could never do something like that."

"Ha! Perhaps you should go talk to them then, they'll tell ya! You saved Liones. They're all probably at their tavern, the Boar Hat, at the outskirts of town. I'll put Maya on shift. Run along and see 'em. I bet Meliodas would be happy that you stopped by, heheh!"

Elizabeth nodded and walked out after changing from her uniform. As she walked through the deserted streets of Liones, a thousand questions swarmed her already confused mind. But most of all, the fact that she recognized the blonde boy's eyes. The warmth that embraced her heart, the jelly feeling in her legs, and the disruption in her usual breathing pattern told her that she might mean something to him.

After walking for nearly half an hour, she came across a lively bar shaped like a hat. Lights were on, voices were booming, and oddly enough, a feeling of familiarity settled in her stomach. She opened the door and was greeted by a look of purity from the blonde boy behind the bar.


Edited and republished. Comments may be out of order, removed, or something else...A lot changed however, so be wary if you're re-reading this!

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Vi out~

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