Farewells and Fore-Warnings (Epilogue)

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Normal POV


He brought them to the bed and laid down, turning off the light. He needed rest from all the stress that was on him, and she needed rest for the same reason. She had been scared out of her mind. Elizabeth had thought the evilest of evil demons had invaded the house all to fight to the death over her soul. She thought her worse nightmares had come true.

He yawned. She stopped crying. They had both fallen into a slumber that would soon turn into something more.


A few years after...


Chatter and muffled laughter filled the town square. Hundreds, maybe thousands of people attend the market every month. Couples sharing passionate kisses, siblings embracing the other, and the Sins..Had a surprise that no one but Ban knew about..

They had traveled to the middle of the square. Standing on the diamond in the center of attention. Meliodas let go of Elizabeth's hand and turned to her, taking a breath. He looked her dead in the eye and got down on one knee, taking a tiny box out of his pocket. Elizabeth gasped and put her hands over her mouth.

"E-Elizabeth Liones..I have loved you for thousands of years, and I will continue to love you for eternity. So I stand here today, asking for your permission to make me the happiest man in the world. How 'bout it, Elizabeth? W-will you marry me?" He finished, earning looks from spectators and even a few from the Sins. Elizabeth tried to contain her excitement, but miserably failed and started nodding her head.

"Yes!!" He slipped the ring on her finger, got up, and gave her a kiss. They both smiled as the surrounding townspeople applauded, going back to their jobs. Whistles and 'oo-lahs' came from the Sins. They walked over to them, Elizabeth carried bridal style in Meliodas's arms. 

"Congrats you guys!" They all cheered, bowing. Once done, everybody shared a good laugh. 

Meliodas and Elizabeth had traveled back to the tavern for a few hours of privacy. Everyone had hoped they would 'get it on' in their free time. And that they did..

10 years later


"Mommy! Daddy!" Tristan and Julia called, running through the bar. 

"Diane! I thought I told you to watch them!" Elizabeth yelled, trying to shake Julia off of her leg. 

"I'm so sorry! I looked away for one second and they were gone..!" Diane ran through, picked up Tristan and searched for Julia. Elizabeth trekked back over into the kitchen and they finally pulled her off. 

Tristan..Now he was a troublemaker. The looks of his father, blonde hair, blue eyes, and troublesome. He was always caught doing something, anything no other kid his age would do. Though he could be kind and gentle at some times, he may bring wrath upon those who defy him. Having only about a quarter demon in him, he still may be just as his father was. 

Julia was..shy. She disliked people, but when she got to know them, she was a kind-hearted, sweet little girl. Not knowing where she inherited the black hair from, her eyes shone a dark green, darker than a forest. Though she is more of a demon than goddess inside of her, Julia may be full of surprises..Especially when they least expect it..

They all sighed. 30 more minutes and they'd be off work. Off work and they could tuck the kids in. "Uncle Ban! Read us a story!" Tristan rang, climbing up Ban's leg. He let out a soft chuckle and picked him up, setting the child on his left shoulder. He traveled over to where Julia was restrained and lifted her to his right shoulder, then, he walked upstairs, starting a story. 


"Why..Has it felt like it's been so long..Since I've had a break?" Elizabeth asked, cleaning tables. Meliodas came up behind her and started groping her from the back, resting his head on her. She was used to it of course, but it sometimes got to her. "Kids..are tough. I'm telling you, this was your idea.." He chimed, making it sound like it was her decision only. 

"Pssh. You agreed to it.." She turned around and looked at him. "And I don't regret a single thing.." She said slightly above a whisper, kissing him gently on the lips. "I'll be up in a few." She smiled and he nodded.

She hummed to herself whilst cleaning the rest of the tables and putting the remaining dishes away. "Done.." She mumbled under her breath. Elizabeth made her way up the stairs and into their room, only to find 3 figures under the blanket with a flashlight. She gave a slight smile and closed the door loud enough so they could hear. 

"Mommy!" The kids shot up and hugged her. Once Meliodas wrangled them back under the covers, she got her pajamas on and joined them. Late into the night they had stayed up, Meliodas mostly telling them about their bizarre adventures through forests or unknown lands far, far away. They had always enjoyed those stories.

Tristan and Julia had loved the tales their parents spoke of each night. That they adventured through uncharted waters, in caves and mountains, different realms even. They were fascinated by each word that came out of their mouths. 

Some day, Meliodas and Elizabeth said, they, Tristan and Julia, would have an adventure of their own. That story though, must be revealed another time...


OH NO I accidentally ended it. I'm sorry.. I felt like I was dragging it. All in all I tied the loose ends and stuff. Thanks for all the support on this story. I'll write another soon! <3

Ta-Ta my lovies~ 

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