Wake Me Up

720 14 2

Filler warning..

Normal POV




The battle was long over, they both thought. They were wrong. They yelled in unison, "CHARGE!" And just like that, a war between shadows and forces of life broke out in front of the Sins, in the middle of nowhere, miles off from the town called Dalmary. The battle had only just begun. 

A shadow here, a shadow there. A life force there, and a life force here. Like pigs for the slaughter, they lined up one by one. They quarried until their heart's content. Their magical powers were only to an extent, for not long after, their soldiers of war turned into mere specks of dust. 'Poof' they went, as they disappeared and disintegrated back into the air from where they once rose.

Duhm-duhm. Duhm-duhm. Duhm-dumn. The beat of a human heart. The beat of a heart of a goddess. Both in check. After their mini-battle, they had both fallen and are on their knees, coughing blood from their mouths. Not even a little magic was spared in the time of that scrimmage. 

"I..can still...kill you!" Elizabeth yelled, struggling to get back on her feet. Meliodas rushed to the wounded goddess. "Elizabeth! Stop straining yourself! Your magic is depleted!" He said to her, quiet enough to be inaudible to the opposing witch's ears. Elizabeth collapsed once more. "N..no! I can still..go.." She replied in between coughs of pain.

Mela rose from the beaten ground. "You...You stupid goddess! You weren't even supposed to be born! Embrace it! Embrace the fact that you're a-" She was cut off with a spear to her chest. She smiled. "You weren't supposed to live.." She added in a whisper before falling on her back.

Elizabeth sat there breathless. Her magic was gone, her clothes scathed, her body beaten and torn, and the battlefield was above all, the worst field a mortal had ever laid their eyes upon.  

Duhm-duhm. One heartbeat alone. No synchronization, no unison, no two or three heartbeats on the scavenged field, just one. Her breathing had slowed down, along with her physical body regaining energy. "Meliodas..Could you.." She struggled to say.

"Way ahead of you!" He smiled and picked her up bridal style, carrying her back over to the other Sins. Her hand dropped and she immediately fell into a deep and unwakeable slumber. 


Sleep ZzzZ

Her screams echoed throughout the halls of the tavern. No one was there to save the Princess. The sounds emitting from the customers didn't block Meliodas's hearing though. No, it only made them amplified. The demon wandered the building in search of his love. 

"Elizabeth?" He called out in a whisper. Another scream from his room found its way into his ears. He flinched at how extravagantly high pitched the scream sounded. He found the platinum haired girl drenched in a cold sweat, twitching every so often after a scream.

He furrowed his eyebrows at her pained figure. Blood was oozing from a cut on her arm, the gash on her back was still visible through the thin fabric that lay on her back. He walked over to her and held her hand. She started to calm down after a while.

He decided himself that he was a bit tired. He laid down next to Elizabeth and kissed her goodnight, wrapping his arms around her. "I love you.." He whispered under his breath before he too fell asleep.


He opened his eyes to see the same sight he had fallen asleep to. Elizabeth was there, sweating and squirming around, yet her eyes still shut tighter than a door. He shook her shoulders, waiting for a response. Her eyes squinted, but opened. She shot up, breathing dense, sweat laced on her forehead. Tears started streaming down her face. Meliodas calmed her down with his warm embrace. 

"Shh..It's okay..Just tell me about it and you'll be fine.." He reassured her. She shook her head, implying that she didn't want to speak to him about it. He tilted his head a little bit and let go of her. She lied her head on the pillow, her eyes not closing once, afraid of falling back into the nightmare.

The Sins pitied her. It had been almost a full week and she had not left their bedroom. Meliodas brought her food that she politely declined, not speaking once. Not to Hawk, not to Diane, not to any of the Sins. Though, in the goddess realm, she did occasionally ask Meliodas a few questions and play a few games.  


"You can't run forever,  goddess.." Meliodas called from the shadows. In reality, they had been playing hide and seek to make Elizabeth forget about her nightmares. Their actions were futile, for after every game that took place, they came back. 

It was the same drill as always. If he won, he got a kiss. If she won, well, she didn't specify it because she had lost every game they had played. "Agh! Gotcha!" He whispered, diving in for a kiss. Her finger found its way to his lips, placing it in the middle. She smiled and removed her finger, placing a gentle kiss on his flawless lips. He looked down in disappointment. "Elizabeth..I really miss you..And so does everybody else..Why..Why don't you just come back?" He asked.

She flinched at his bluntness. Nonetheless, she replied. "I already told you..I like it here. I don't want to go back." 

"That's not the only reason. I remember that Mela said; you didn't belong there, that you weren't supposed to exist. Is that true?" 

She waited a second to think about it, then slowly nodded her head. "I..I was a mistake, I guess you could say. I wasn't supposed to be born. They accidently made me.." She drifted off.

His eyes went wide at what she had said. "N-no Elizabeth! You aren't a mistake! Don't believe such lies! You're you. The woman I love.." He grabbed her hands and kissed them. She blushed and looked away in shame. He softly grabbed her chin and made her face him. They gazed into each others' eyes until Meliodas spoke.

"I love you, Elizabeth. Don't forget that. I don't care what happened in your past before we met. All I care about is now." They kissed.

She smiled and looked at him, his hand backing off. "I didn't say you could get two kisses.." She replied, bopping his nose. She stood up and took a breath, looking off into the distance. "Should I go back?" Elizabeth asked.

He just looked at her and nodded. "You should. Everyone is worried about you." He chuckled a bit. "Especially Diane. She's going crazy. She said that us men aren't responsible enough to run the tavern." 

She sighed. "I-I guess.." She took his hand and they traveled to the mortal realm.


I told you.

Filler chapter.

Now I'm going to go binge watch movies and eat pizza. 

Ta ta

Meliodas x Elizabeth (Nanatsu No Taizai)Where stories live. Discover now