What the hell?

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When you leave it as a draft for two days. Yeah I'm so smart <3


Normal POV


He had left and sprinted up the stairs as fast as his legs allowed him to. "ELIZABETH?" He called, slamming into the door and trying to open it. "Dammit.." he whispered to himself. "MERLIN! OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!" No response. He took a few paces backward, and slammed into the door, full force. It gave in and fell to the ground.

The scene inside the room was a truly vicious, unbearable sight for one's eyes to witness...

"MERLIN WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HER?" Meliodas yelled at the Boar sin, who at the moment, was panicking. "It's the force of a demon! I don't understand this!" She replied over the sound emitting from the darkness in the room.

"I thought she was fine?!" He yelled back. It was getting more and more difficult to hear over the sounds. "She was, but it looks like something was left behind and it was triggered!" Merlin replied, walking over to her Captain and dragging him out of the room. Though unscathed, they were gasping for air.

Arthur and Gilthunder were in front of them, asking if they needed their aid. "Is Princess Elizabeth alright?" Gilthunder questioned. The boar sin and her Captain looked at each other with worry in their eyes, something that was extremely uncommon between the two.

"Cap'n? Somethin' wrong?" Ban asked, climbing the stairs with hands deep in his pockets. "Felt a pretty high power level comin' from your room." He got to the top. He saw that darkness around the room. His eyes went wide. "What the hell is this? Is the princess alright?" He walked closer to the door only to be stopped in his tracks by Merlin. 

"It's too dangerous, even for you. Though you may be immortal, the darkness will end up eating you alive." She paused and took a quick breath, "honestly, we were lucky we got out before something were to happen. Captain came barging in..Anyways, all we need to do is wait." Merlin said, arms crossed against her chest.

"Wait? How are we supposed to wait? Huh? The princess is in there and she might be-" He was cut off by Meliodas putting a hand on his shoulder. His head was down, hair covering his eyes. "Ban...Do what Merlin says. It's only right." The blonde captain replied with a stern tone of voice.

"Cap'n? Really? I hope you know who we're talking about here. The princess, the one you love." Meliodas could tell he emphasized the last part. "Don't talk about Elizabeth like you know her." He paused and took a long breath, "She's stronger than any of you think." He looked at Ban with a smile on his face and continued, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do alright?" With that, the dragon sin walked down the stairs, and the rest didn't so much as utter another syllable. 

(I probably didn't put this in last chapter, but King and Diane went out somewhere, I guess.)

*10 minutes later* 

Normal POV

All Meliodas could hear was the rare mumbling of Merlin, and the solemn grunt from Ban. His thoughts were interrupted by Diane and King walking through the door. 

"Weeeeeee're back!!" Diane yelled. Meliodas flinched and squinted his eyes at the loudness of her voice. 

Diane's smile soon faded when she saw an impatient Ban, her zoned out Captain, and the glare of Merlin. Gilthunder and Arthur left for more important matters, despite the fact they thought they were be excess weight if they stayed.

"What's wrong? Did something happen.."

"Oh no.." She dropped the bag and sprinted up the stairs. Her eyes went wide as she saw the darkness. She ran back down the stairs, almost tripping four different times. "MERLIN, WHAT DID YOU DO TO ELIZABETH THIS TIME?" She grabbed her shoulders and almost broke them.

Meliodas x Elizabeth (Nanatsu No Taizai)Where stories live. Discover now