The Hidden Curse

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Merlin's POV

I walked over to Elizabeth and picked her up. I put her back to where she was, careful not to touch her skin. As I was mumbling a few words to myself, a thought came in mind. "Library. You three stay here while I go to Camelot. I might find something out about the curse." Everyone nodded and I snapped my fingers.

*In Camelot*

"V..V..V.." I repeated, silently talking to myself. "Venomous...Gotcha." I pulled out a book with a black cover and gold outline. Fancy, I thought. I opened the book until I found "Cure" except, there was nothing. The entire page was blank. Except a little writing at the bottom. 

~To all that are imprisoned under this curse, our condolences for your loss, as there is no help for you now.~ 

Nah. There's a cure for everything. Like that time with...Oh no that guy died. Whoops. I'll find something. I picked up another book. Again under cure, the same words. I go through the entire shelf, and alas, nothing there. "Hold on.." I mumbled under my breath. There was a journal behind the book. It read: The Cure For The Venomous Curse of Death. I mentally smiled at myself.

"Those who dwell in darkness, may be consumed by death.." I read. "Though those who dwell in light, may be consumed with fear of death." I read on. "The curse is death itself. Many say there is no cure, but the truth behind it.." The rest of the page is ripped off. "Dammit." I say. 

"Wait.." I flip the page, hoping that there were more words about it. "Flower.." ripped. "Behind the Sacred.." ripped. "Of the Fairy King's" ripped. "Behind the Sacred Tree of the Fairy King's Forest? Ha..I got you." I closed the book, packed up my things and went back to the cave.


Note: This is  2 hours after Merlin left


Diane's POV

"M-merlin.." I mumbled, (Yus she be in humano sizo) "Help." I said. She rushed over to me and said a few words. The stinging pains immediately disappeared. "Thanks." I stood up and went over to King. "Hey. Wake up." I smiled slightly and helped him up. "Ban?" I asked. "Here." He came from outside, into the cave. "What the hell happened?" Merlin said.

"Elizabeth..She went out of control, and there was nothing we could do." I said. "An unimaginable force of power overtook her." King said from behind me. "I see.." She said. "Though I did find a cure, you have to get it, King." 

"Why me?" He said

"Because it's in your forest, by the Sacred Tree, you moron." She replied.

"Oh. By all means then, I'll go right away." King said.


"Why not?"

"It's too dangerous."

"Do you know who I am?"

"Indeed, and that's why it's dangerous. I hear people have taken over and sought shelter in that forest. It's in ruins, and worse, it's just trouble for you. They capture fairies." She finished

"Why would they do that? Do humans have something against fairies?" I said. "Actually, yes they do, Diane." King paused. "If they find a fairy, they'll rip them of their wings and sell them. They'll even kill them, a fairy's body doesn't decay." He finished. "So that means.." "Shut up Ban." He smiled.

"Whatever, we need to find Elizabeth right away. Hmm.." Merlin said. She had her thinking face, looking as though she was lost in a deep thought, we knew not to disturb her. "King and Ban, go to the forest. Kill everyone in your path if that's what it takes. You two know the forest best. Diane and I will go find Elizabeth and bring try to restrain her. Now go." She finished.

"Has anyone noticed Gowther is missing?" I heard Ban say. "Hmm. Guess he is." Merlin said. She grabbed a bag and threw it at Ban. "Hey..What is this?" "Supplies. It might take you a while, meet us in the village when you're done." She replied. "Question. What exactly are we looking for?" King said.

"A flower. The picture of it was red with a yellow middle, and blue on the inner edges. It's as though someone grabbed it from the sky and bled on it. Safe travels." Merlin replied, and we were in the village. "Now we need to find Elizabeth." 

Meliodas's POV

I've been walking for hours, and I don't know where I'm going..I just need to find Elizabeth. He showed up. My father showed up in front of me. He told me to kill her. The love of my life. Should I do it? The soul of a goddess.. No. Stop..I can't kill her, not again at least..For the last 3,000 years I've suffered watching her die over and over again, I'm not going to be the one that kills her again. 

I was lost in a deep thought as I felt something brush me on the shoulder. "Sorry.." I mumbled, head looking down with hair over my eyes. "Hey kid, fancy sword you got there." I turned around and looked him dead in the eye. "Yeah, it is." I laughed. The man glared at me. "Mind if you give it to me?" A bunch of bandits came out from the bushes. "Bad idea dude. I reckon your desire is the opposite of dying, yes?" I sighed. "Then you shouldn't be doing this."

"Whatever. ATTACK!" I turned around and crushed the guy's wrist, kicked him in the stomach and sent him flying into a tree. Someone held onto my sword and tried taking it out. I looked back and grinned. I took my sword out and the guy let go, also sent flying. Two guys ran away as I knocked the others out. I kept walking down the narrow path to the next town. "Idiots." I sheathed my sword, and looked up. "Elizabeth?"



Later <3


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