C3: Memories

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Normal POV


  After walking for nearly half an hour, she came across a lively bar shaped like a hat. Lights were on, voices were booming, and oddly enough, a feeling of familiarity settled in her stomach. She opened the door and was greeted by a look of purity from the blonde boy behind the bar.  


Ban stopped cooking and took a gold coin out of his pocket, handing it to Meliodas. An inaudible 'told you she would come' could be found on Meliodas' lips. He smiled at Elizabeth as she made her way over to him.

"Hello..." She squeaked out, looking down at the floor.

Meliodas sat on the bar top with his head propped on his hand, and his elbow on his thigh. A genuine smile was apparent on his face.

"What's up?"

"I, um...I came by because my boss told me that we were, erm, friends."

"Friends? He must be kidding himself. We were never friends." He replied, the same grin on his face.

"O-oh. I'm sorry for both-" Before Elizabeth could finish, he was groping her from behind and whispering in her ear, "We're lovers~"

Her face went from pale white to as red as Ban's jacket in under a second. But before she turned around, he was lifted off of her by Hawk, who was mumbling random crap about Meliodas being a pervert. A few minutes later, he returned to the still shocked Elizabeth.

"If ya don't mind, could we talk upstairs?" He leaned in closer, "People might be listening." Meliodas finished with a seductive voice that sent shivers down Elizabeth's spine. 

It couldn't hurt...My boss did say that I'm friends with these guys...(I know what you pervs are thinking. No.)

She nodded and he took his hand, leading her up the stairs. He opened the door to 'their' room, let her in, then closed it after he entered. It was quiet for a few moments when Elizabeth simply couldn't take it anymore.

"W-" What's that, the third time tonight? She just can't get words out of her mouth. Speaking about her mouth, someone's lips were attached to it.

Meliodas leaned in, and before she knew it, he was kissing her. But the 'problem' was that she didn't care. His lips, to her, felt easy to kiss, like she had done it before. And she was kissing back.

Elizabeth absentmindedly wrapped her arms around his neck as he pushed her against the wall. Once he realized what he was doing, he abruptly stopped and stared at her.

When he detached himself, she groaned for two reasons. One, she was really enjoying that, and two, her head was pounding. It grew more and more difficult to stay awake, and even harder to stand. She fell to the floor with a hand on her head.

"Elizabeth?" Meliodas called, but it sounded so far away to her that it didn't register. 

When her arms gave out, she laid flat on the floor and let the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion corrupt her body. The last thing she heard...



Elizabeth's "Dream" World (You'll get more info:3)


"Elizabeth." Somebody called out.

"Elizabeth, over here." 

Elizabeth looked behind her and saw a woman in a blue and gold two-piece that barely covered anything.

"Who are you?" Elizabeth questioned.

"I knew the kiss wouldn't be enough, obviously...That's why you're here..Alas, I shall tell you. I am the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite." She replied, mostly to herself however.

"Where am I?" 

'Aphrodite' gave a slight sigh, "You are in the realm of the Goddesses. The first time you met Meliodas was here." She put a questioning hand on her face. 

"Ah! I know." She then put a hand on Elizabeth's chest and memories bombarded her mind, sending her off into another sleep.


Real World (I wish it was actually real)


A cold sweat masked Elizabeth's forehead as she shot up from the bed, grasping the sheets with one hand and the other on her chest.


It was still loud downstairs, but it sounded just like a couple people compared to a full house. Elizabeth threw the covers off and slowly made her way down the stairs. Laughter became more apparent when she reached the last step, and light blasted her eyes when she revealed herself from the shadows.

"Elizabeth!" Diane shouted, then looked at Ban, who looked at Meliodas and elbowed him.

Meliodas lifted his head off the table and took a moment to focus on Elizabeth.

"I should be going..." She said, clasping her hands together. This made Meliodas get up and walk over to her.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on by anytime." He said in a quite depressing tone, but had a small smile on his face as always.

Elizabeth smiled and smashed her lips onto the boy's in front of her. He replied with just as much force in under a second. She ran her hands through his ragged hair, softly pulling. It didn't last long due to Elizabeth pulling back and smiling again.

"You don't really look into things, do you? Especially a woman's words.." 

"What can I say? I prefer actions." He replied, smirking.

"Get a room!" Ban shouted before someone barged through the door.

Meliodas backed away from Elizabeth and to the man that just came through the door.

The mysterious figure dawned black everything; he had a black cloak with its hood drawn, boots, gloves, even his sword sheath was black.

"Well, we're not open right now, but one more customer wouldn't hurt. What brings you here?"

He raised a hand and pointed at Elizabeth. "And I'm not leaving without it." The man said in a deep voice.

Meliodas sighed. "She's not going anywhere with you."

"Think again." The man vanished and reappeared next to Elizabeth. He roughly grabbed her shoulder and Meliodas threw him back, but it was too late. A white light enveloped Elizabeth's body, and a moment later she was gone.

 The Dragon Sin walked over to the man and picked him up by his neck, dragging him up the wall. "Where the fuck did you take her?"

The man stayed silent and didn't put up a struggle. He just smirked when he saw Meliodas' demon markings on his face. He dropped the man and disappeared, but not before he looked at Ban, "Take care of him."

Ban grinned and walked over to the hooded figure, cracking his knuckles in the process.

"This is going to be fun."


(Edited...For the most part, still working on it)

Note: Fully edited and republished.

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Vi out~

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