Mature/Eventful Day

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Wtf..I asked my friend to write it for me a week ago. He never came through. So I'm going to do the absolute best I can! Here goes.. ;-;
Not edited. Did my best! Promise! Also skip to about half way if you want to skip my lame excuse for a lemon..

Normal POV


"I guess this is it, huh?" Elizabeth questioned.

"Nah, it's only the beginning." He gave a pervy smile and crashed his lips onto hers.

"Oh is it now?" She broke from the kiss and returned the smile.

"Dammit Elizabeth..I've waited so long for this.." Meliodas replied from the tease Elizabeth was giving him.

"Mmhmm..And what do you say?" She replied, clearly enjoying his suffering.

"P-please." It was difficult to get out, it felt like he was choking on every breath he took.

She smiled and slammed his lips onto his, and using their speed to his advantage, he pinned her on the wall and locked the door. Elizabeth tried saying things to Meliodas through kisses, but he was in his own world, not registering his actions, let alone her words.

Their lips were fighting for dominance when Meliodas bit her lower lip and won the battle. His lips traveled down and sucked on her neck as she undid the buttons of his shirt, revealing his bare skin.

"Mmm~" She moaned.

Elizabeth felt a grin on her neck. His hands traveled down and beneath her undergarments, groping her. This wasn't his usual groping though, it was more sensational, and rougher. "Mmm" Elizabeth said once more.

Meliodas was tired, he slipped off her top, revealing her breasts. He went lower and sucked on her right nipple, massaging the other. "Ah-hh" Elizabeth moaned. Her hands were all tangled in his hair as he popped up and dove in for another kiss. "Mmm" She mumbled through kisses.

"E-Elizabeth.." Meliodas grunted. "You're..going to be...the death of me.." He growled between kisses. A smile formed as Meliodas took her wrists and put them above her head.

He put his leg in between her no longer locked thighs and started rubbing, as another moan escaped her lips. She slightly pushed him off of her and traveled lower down to his pants. He didn't know where this new found courage came from, but he liked it. Elizabeth slowly took off his trousers, admiring the beauty of his well toned muscles, and taking in every bit of it.

Meliodas threw his head back and gritted his teeth. His pants were off, and his only protection was his boxers. Elizabeth put one thumb on each side of his hip and slipped them under the fabric, slowly pushing down. Her eyes widened at the size of his member, as his erection sprang free and his defenses were breached.

Elizabeth licked the tip of it, knowing it would only make him want her more.

"E-Elizabeth..P-Please.." He tried to get out through his locked jaw.

"Hmm~?" She teased.

When Meliodas couldn't take anymore, he took her by the hair and slammed her mouth onto his cock. Almost gagging her, she slowly got the tempo as she didn't have to move her head anymore from the force he was putting on her. He took his hands off and she took his out of her mouth. She swallowed everything and showed him, thinking it would please the demon. Though it only made things worse.

Elizabeth was slammed back onto the bed, wrists above her head. "Mmhmhm~." She moaned. Meliodas was sucking on her neck, leaving marks to show she was truly his. His hands let go of her wrists as they traveled down her body and to her shut legs. He looked up and grinned.

Meliodas x Elizabeth (Nanatsu No Taizai)Where stories live. Discover now