Schedule! :D

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Monday- DEF NOT Who tf do you think you're talking to?

Tuesday- I have Soccer :(

Wednesday- If I don't update on Sunday, then Wednesday will be my fill day.

Thursday- Soccer D:

Friday- Too busy partying. 

Saturday and Sunday - Yes. Saturday definitely, even if it's at 1 or 2am. Sunday, if I'm not busy shopping or have Soccer games, then I will update. Though if I don't, Wednesday will be the day I will update. Or if I'm free on Monday, and busy on Wednesday, sure! Flip the schedule for 2 days early. 

I hope this helps. It might not, because I can't make schedules. I usually just make something in my head and stick to it, meaning just update whenever I want to, but I don't think that's going to work this time around. Thanks.

A/N ---- I do take requests for any anime I haven't seen, I will eventually watch so if you recommend any, I'll most likely watch them. (And that's the reason why I don't have time to update, too busy watching anime..xD)

My favorite(s)

Nanatsu No Taizai (SDS) Read some of the manga as well.

Magi (All the seasons. And yus Sinbad is hot, you can't deny his beauty.)

Area No Kishi (I haven't seen every episode yet, but I fell in love with it because it's soccer.)

What are YOURRRRRRRRRRR favorites? Jk I don't care because nobody comments <3

Dos Vidanya!

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