With the wall torn down in my head
Everything begins to spiral into red
It isn't just some measly flashbacks
I'm starting to see through the cracks
Visions bleeding through, so realistic
Am I alive, or am I still in hell's cage?
Hallucinations of torture surrealistic
Making me paranoid, jumpy, scared
And now Lucifer has popped up
Telling me this is all but a dream
That I'm captive, and I'm his bitch
This is torture to make me scream
I am having a very difficult time
Figuring out what's real and not
Did I truly never left Hell after all?
Am I stuck within its pits to rot?
But Dean has too much on his plate
And I don't want to worry him worse
I'll keep my mouth shut, time being
Perhaps sooner or later I'll be cured
You can't torture someone who
Has nothing left for you to take away
And it had to be a mess Sam, or you
Wouldn't believe it was your life, he says
I'm being spun around in circles
I can't even be trusted by Dean
Lucifer's messing up my sanity
It's all unravelling at the seams
They think I'm the kind of crazy
That can't ever be fixed anymore
I'm starting to believe it, maybe
There will never be a possible cure
There's only one way to figure all of it out
But I can't be a liability, no, not right now
The pain reminds me that I'm really here
I believe my brother. This is real. I am real.
To My Wayward Sons (Supernatural Poetry)
PoetrySupernatural poems that I write when all the: -massive emotional damage -overwhelming crack -severe obsession -rare inspiration -demon possessing me is too much to handle. 50% feels, 50% crack, 100% trash. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here! ××× ...