I could always taste
Bitter ashes in my tongue
Heavy and morbid
Those of the fallen ones
Hunter's occupation
Falling with fires and rain
Stitches and wounds
Filled with kindle and pain
Voices of the dead
In the valley of the damned
Ring in our memories
Every. Single. Fucking. Night.
Nothing is ever sacred
Not even our missing God
Where creatures dwell
In realms of Avalon and Hell
We feed on heartaches
Hold on to swinging nooses
Grasp splintered stakes
And our cold stolen revolvers
But with every life cost
Every black eye blinking out
There's a light not lost
Lives regenerated with hope
The pyre keeps burning
To remind me of destruction
But also reminding me
Of the rise of a bright phoenix
We rise, from the dust
Of the detritus we've created
And do what we must
Hunters never get defeated
We carry on, carry on
With tattered souls we mend
We carry on, carry on
Our hard pride we will defend
I could still taste the ashes
In my tongue, grey, bitter, all heavy
But it keeps me at bay, lest
I forget my own rebirth and victory.
To My Wayward Sons (Supernatural Poetry)
PuisiSupernatural poems that I write when all the: -massive emotional damage -overwhelming crack -severe obsession -rare inspiration -demon possessing me is too much to handle. 50% feels, 50% crack, 100% trash. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here! ××× ...