I know I seem troubled, Cas
I'm only wondering about you, see
I'm still thinking about the burden
That you lifted away from me
'Cause I thought I was done for
Maybe you're an angel, but still
How are you holding up?
I know it's tough on your will
But I know you never did anything
You only tried to help everyone
But sometimes it's doing the
Best that makes you your worst
It sounds a little sad and crazy
But trust me, know that personally
I realise that Cas, and I'm grateful
It's partly my fault that you break
And we are all gonna help you
Get better, no matter what it takes.
To My Wayward Sons (Supernatural Poetry)
PoetrySupernatural poems that I write when all the: -massive emotional damage -overwhelming crack -severe obsession -rare inspiration -demon possessing me is too much to handle. 50% feels, 50% crack, 100% trash. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here! ××× ...