So let the angels bleed
How like they bled my brother dry
Let the demons plead
Refusing return to hell, they'd die
Hear clashing heads
As we fight our way up and high
Our hearts roaring red
We ain't giving in nor will we cry
With expanded eyes as a whole
We wait and we abide
Dangerous than a reckless fool
Nonbelievers will hide
In this damned world, dark rules
We hunters shall thrive
And when the world ends itself
We will come out alive
Don't take a chance
Let this be a warning, an endgame
The monsters all run
When they hear our tainted name
For when we get pissed
Nothing else will ever be the same
And when we lose shit
No mercy, no survivors will remain.
To My Wayward Sons (Supernatural Poetry)
PoetrySupernatural poems that I write when all the: -massive emotional damage -overwhelming crack -severe obsession -rare inspiration -demon possessing me is too much to handle. 50% feels, 50% crack, 100% trash. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here! ××× ...