Chapter 22 - What?!

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"Joonie, some company is calling for you" Namjoon huffed, "Omma, our group isn't having any practise for the next couple of weeks remember?" "It's not them, stop being stroppy and answer it!" he sighed, getting up from his comfy spot on the couch, leaving his video games and going to take the phone. "Yes this is him, uh.. who is this?" he asked, tapping his foot anxiously on the floor.

"Oh, really? Well, what can I do for you?" his mother watched from the kitchen as his face suddenly dropped, he had to gulp before he could respond. "What?? Are you sure you have the right number?! Me?" by this point he had a smile big enough for two faces. He bowed into thin air, forgetting he was talking on the phone, sheepishly laughing as he said. "Thank you, thank you so much! I'll see you then". Of course, his mother was full of questions.

"Who was that sweetie?" she said as calmly as she could, "You know big-hit entertainment? That big production company?" She hummed, "They've asked me to audition for them! Me!" "Oh honey, I'm so proud of you!" she hugged him, then kissed his cheek, causing Namjoon to whine, wiping it with his sleeve.

"Wait.. But how do they know who you are?" she asked cautiously, "I'm guessing because of my group. We've won so many things and, well I am the leader so I figure that's why, I hope the other guys got called too though.." "Don't worry too much about them right now, this is the opportunity you've been waiting for" Namjoon nodded, excited yet nervous for Saturday when he was to audition. He didn't want to mess up like last time.

"Are you sure this looks okay?" Namjoon's mother admittedly found his choice of hair a little 'out there' compared to usual. He had gelled it up in various directions, but he had a nice pair of jeans and what looked like a basketball shirt on. "You look fine! Stop worrying, they're there to judge your rapping not your wardrobe" he laughed slightly, hopping into the passenger seat of the car. "Now, text me when you're ready to be picked up, good luck!" he kissed his mom goodbye before jogging off up to the doors, and man did they seem daunting. Taking a deep breath, he put one foot infront of the other and made his way through, looking about the vast space inside, lost already.

"Um, sir? Do you need some help?" he heard a woman say from the middle desk, waving her hand. "Yes uh.. Sorry, I was called to audition here? I'm not quite sure where to go" he rubbed the back of his neck, "Oh, so you must be the famous rapper I keep hearing about" she smiled, clicking a few buttons on her computer, presumably checking for his appointment. "Ah yes, he'll see you on the third floor, farthest door on the right, there's an elevator over there" she pointed towards where the toilets were, some stairs and of course the elevator. "Thank you" he bowed, rubbing his palms together before making his way there.

"Ah, there you are boy!" "Sorry if I'm late, I got a bit lost and-" the man started laughing, patting him on the back. "Stop worrying so much, you're here now" he nodded, sitting down infront of the man, there were a few other men in the room, one cleaning the floor since it was a dance studio, a few just sitting around minding their own business. "Now, from what I've seen and heard, you're quite the rapper, and you come up with your own things too right?" Namjoon hummed, briefly talking about some of the ideas he'd thought of from his own inspiration. "Well, you seem nice enough. Most people we get here tend to be quite self involved and well... annoying" Namjoon laughed, feeling a bit more at ease.

"So, let's hear what you've got!". First, like his audition at the arts school, he rapped a newer, published piece before proceeding to perform one of his own works that he had written recently. Namjoon was worried, since at the beginning his voice was slightly shaky as he was so nervous about doing badly, who knew what possibilities he had here! It could be a lot better than the college he got accepted into, sure he could carry on music but a lot of the course was unnecessary for him. When he had finished, the man looked at him curiously and asked if he had any talent in free style rapping, he brought one of the younger boys over to create a basic beat, Namjoon hadn't actually tried this before, but he found himself ease into it, just speaking whatever came to mind.

"Well, I am impressed" he said, coming up to shake Namjoon's hand. "You really are what they say you are! And to think, I even wondered the possibility of you having lip synced all this time, you're incredible!" "Thank you sir" Namjoon smiled, bowing. "And with manners too, not everyday you see someone with a 'punk' image that bows to you" he laughed. "Well sir, manners are basic things that everyone should have, and I actually prefer to call my style.. More hip-hop than punk". The man chuckled, holding his knees to stand up, looking down now to Namjoon. "You just have everything I've been looking for, it's very rare anyone these days wants to do their own thing, everyone wants to be rock or cool, but hip-hop is, well a little bit more meaningful and interesting while still being cool. I'm assuming you agree?" Namjoon eagerly nodded.

"Well, Mr Kim, you have really pleased me. Do you currently have any education to go into? Considering you've left school" "Uh.. Well I have been accepted into an arts college, but I'm still keeping my options open. To be honest, I'm not that interested in the educational side of things, I want to actually make music and share what I can do, even if it's not so good" he chuckled.

"Ah, don't be so modest! Anyway, I've been thinking and... Well I called you in because I thought you'd be perfect for the position, considering you've been leading that rap group. But seeing that you actually have so much talent, it's incredible! You're even more suited for the role!" Namjoon tried to keep a proud posture, but was still nervously playing with his fingers. Seemed like he'd picked up one of Jin's many habits. "Kim Namjoon, is there any chance that you'd be interested in being..."

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