Chapter 56 - Jin's speech

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"You're nervous aren't you?" Namjoon smirked, doing up his jeans. "Just a tad, it's not like my mother is going to be there or anything" Namjoon rolled his eyes, "You're being too dramatic, babe. You'll be fine" he nodded, slipping on his sweatshirt before they were being called out of the changing rooms, the managers urging everyone to make their way to the makeup noonas. They were within the midst of their tour, and Jin had only recently gotten a call that his mother was going to be attending this event. He sat down patiently, a smile on his face as they got to work with his makeup, his reflection staring back at him in the somewhat intimidating mirror. "My hair looks damn good today" he grinned however, making the stylist laugh.

They managed to get through the concert without any big mistakes, everyone ecstatic as they neared the finish, this was the part where they got to talk a bit more personally to the fans and give their thanks. Hoseok was happily bounding about, picking up the various plushies and banners that had been thrown onto the stage, Jimin doing much the same, their happy, giggly selves being shown to everyone. Jin was still busy trying to find his mother though, where was she? One by one the members began giving their thanks to the ARMY's, everyone pretty tearful already and Jin knew he was going to lose it, but wanted to at least try and stay strong for his mother.

"Jin?" Taehyung chuckled, handing him the microphone, to which Jin smiled, taking it a little nervously. "Hello everyone!" he waved, blowing air kisses to the crowd. "Did you have fun today?" the roar of cheering fans boosted his confidence as he continued, looking around to find his mother within the vast amount of people. "Today... My parents came" he said on instinct, forgetting it was just his mother, oh well, at least it wouldn't cause any controversy between the fans - they didn't need to know too much about his private life.

"But where are they?" he continued, looking around helplessly, Namjoon laughing. "Over there in that row" Jimin pointed with his small hands, Jin still confused as to where they were. "Where?" he asked again, sheepishly as the members began chuckling. "There! Bottom left" Yoongi helped him out, with the assistance of his parents standing up as well. Wait. His parents? As in plural? Jin was in shock as he saw his father was in fact stood by his mother's side, seemingly happy and not angry like usual, and his stupid girlfriend wasn't there either. It was, amazing!

The lights came back on to focus on Jin, the fans all 'aww'-ing as they saw his tear stricken face. Namjoon also noticed, wishing he could just hug him and kiss away those tears. "It's okay, it's okay" he smiled reassuringly, it's not as if they would understand why he was so emotional. "You know, when I was younger, my mom used to just listen to her friends bragging about their sons. She just... Listened to them without saying anything..." It was almost deadly silent as he told his story, as if he could finally tell his parents how he really felt. He took a deep breath before continuing.

"So I thought, I want to make my mom be proud of her son too. And today, I made my parents proud thanks to you!"  he looked out to all of the now cheering fans, chanting his name as if it were a mantra; pushing more confidence into him. "I want to tell my parents that I am very grateful, I love you mom and dad!" the hot tears fell quicker down his fragile face like raindrops, Namjoon desperately wanting to console him - the fear that he was going to panic and have an attack clouding his mind. "I love you too, ARMY" he finished, dabbing at his wet cheeks. Hoseok walked over as everyone clapped, shouting back "We love you Seokjin!", handing him his scarf to wipe his eyes.

Once the concert was over, he managed to find his parents backstage, Namjoon already patting his back to keep him calm. It looked as though he was going to rage, an uncertain look in his watery eyes, was it anger? He walked over to his parents, hugging his mom almost instantly. "Thank you for coming, I love you so much omma!" he mumbled into her neck, almost crushing the poor woman with the force of his hug. "And appa" he started, pulling back to look at his father. "Do you believe in me now?" he looked around anxiously as the other members caught up to them, though he couldn't deny that he had enjoyed their performance. "Alright fine. Yes, you're doing well, happy now?" he stated slightly harshly.

"Thank you, thank you" he sobbed, hugging his dad too, everyone else melting at the sight. "It's uh, fine" his dad said shocked, pushing him back afterwards. When he linked hands with Namjoon though, he looked slightly mad, "Are you-" "Yes appa, we are" he said with a fierce look on his face, he wasn't going to back down this time. "Oh uh... Alright then" awkwardly, he looked down, avoiding the other's stares.

"Well done guys, onto the next show!".

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