Chapter 10 - I told you so

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"So... are you busy tomorrow?" Namjoon asked Jin awkwardly, the two having not talked a lot lately. "Umm.. Yeh I'm hanging out with a friend" "Oh that Jaesoon Kid?" Jin looked at Namjoon almost irritated, "He's not a kid, he's very mature thank you very much... We're just going to the park so I'm sure you'd be bored, sorry some other time" Namjoon felt awful, he knew they were closer than friends and just wanted Jin back; Jeasoon was changing him. "Alright, I'll talk to you on Monday then?" Jin nodded, patting his shoulder slightly before walking off. It was Friday, so Namjoon figured he'd just be spending the weekend at home... Alone again.

Now his mother was starting to worry since Namjoon always wanted to hang out with friends, he just simply didn't feel like it without Jin. Plodding home, head hung low, he caught a glimpse of the two boys holding hands, looking as if they were laughing, heading home themselves. It was simple action, but it made Namjoon's heart hurt, as if he was longing to be in that stupid boy's place instead. "Damn it" He kicked at the ground one last time, calming down a little before approaching the steps up to his house.

The following day, Namjoon just had to get out of the house. His mother driving him crazy with house chores and homework. He aimed to go to the store, pick up some snacks and chill on a bench somewhere, just for some fresh air - with music in his ears. However, he had forgotten about Jin's little date with Jaesoon, as much to his surprise, he saw Jin leave his house from down the road. He turned around, walking off hoping he hadn't seen him. "Shit.." He cursed himself, exiting the convenience store, Noticing Jin sitting on the bench he was sitting on a minute ago, a small bunch of flowers in his shaky hands.

It made Namjoon happy to see how much of a gentlemen Jin was, but it was all for Jaesoon and he really wasn't worth Jin. I'll just chill at home he thought, crossing the street to try and sneak out of Jin's eyesight, though what he saw made him stop in his tracks. Similarly, Jin was just as shocked, the flowers dropping from his hands, eyes slightly watery.

"What the fuck!" Namjoon yelled, causing Jae to stop kissing the boy that neither Jin or Namjoon knew. "Can I help you?" Jae had the nerve to say sarcastically, "What the fuck is wrong with you?? Treating my best friend like this? Cheating on him?" "Look he doesn't even like you so don't call him your best friend" "Well don't you call him your boyfriend you low life scum, don't come near him again" The other boy was awkward, trying to avoid the stares from strangers around, he didn't know Jae already had a boyfriend. "What are you going to do? As far as I know you're quite an asshole yourself so.." "Just stop, you don't deserve anyone like Jin so just fuck off with your little boyfriend and leave him alone from now on".

He turned his back, going to approach Jin who was now standing up, holding onto his sleeves with his little fingertips. "Jin I'm.. I warned you didn't I? I told you not to trust him!" "What are you talking about? He's just... A.. Fri-" He cut himself off with loud sobs. Namjoon pulled him back down onto the bench, coaxing his hands open to hold them, calming his cries. "Jin, I know okay, and I don't care that you're gay, I just want my best friend back, please don't chase him up anymore" Jin nodded, pulling his best friend into a hug. Of course he was his best friend, he's still here even through all this drama. "I just thought that.. Jae was.. He seemed" "I know Jin, I know... Just, he just put on that front to date you, he just wanted to use you, I told you so" "I'm sorry, I won't talk to him again..."

Namjoon patted his back, "It's okay.. You know you never let me explain before... but I really don't care what you are, you're Jin and that's all you'll ever be to me. Nothing is going to change me thinking of you as Jin, my best friend" Tears of relief spilled across the elders cheeks, "Thankyou Namjoon, I'm so so sorry.." "It's fine, don't stress about it.. I just missed you that's all" "Why me Namjoon? Why did that prick have to do all this to me, I really liked him..." "I don't know Jinnie.. People like him are just idiots that get satisfaction out of demeaning shy and quiet people like you that are quite naive" "Umm.. Translation please?" Namjoon laughed, he wasn't called a nerd for nothing.

"It's just.. He made me think badly of you and.. I didn't mean it I don't think you're horrible Namjoon" "Obviously not, I'm amazing!" Jin lightly slapped him, causing them both to laugh. "How about we go back home, you can give those flowers to your mother instead" The discarded flowers were brought back to Jin's attention as he picked them up off the gritty floor, "No.. She doesn't really like me at the moment" He awkwardly laughed, Namjoon looking sympathetically at him. "Alright then, we'll throw them, and you can go home and have a nice nap to clear your head" "But I don't like going home.." "You can do it, I know".

Namjoon was almost pulling Jin along as he stared longingly at the floor, feet trudging across the pavement. "It's going to be alright man, just don't hate me again" Jin chuckled, agreeing. It had been a long and stressful last few weeks, but if anything they came out stronger than before, realising how close of a bond they shared. Jin didn't want to ever lose Namjoon again, and it seemed that he really didn't care about how Jin was. He couldn't figure out why he'd said those things about gay people not being 'normal' in the first place, but shrugged it off as him just fearing a bad reputation. He knew Namjoon, and Namjoon was a very diverse person; caring about everyone as equals, it was just in the kind boys nature. I love you Namjoon... He thought, but what kind of love was it?

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