Chapter 62 - This is it

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Only a few hours to go Namjoon thought nervously, putting away the last of the dishes after dinner. It was almost midnight meaning their anniversary was just hours away, almost time for him to drop the question that's been on his mind since forever - at least it seemed like that long. "Namjoon! Can we go build a snowman?!" Jin clapped his hands excitedly, ever since they'd been here he seemed a lot more child like, something Namjoon had grown fond of. "Sure, anything my baby boy wants" Namjoon grinned pecking his lips before finishing the cleaning he was doing.

Jin came running out of the bedroom about 10 minutes later, already wearing warm clothes with some extra for Namjoon to wear in his arms. "Here!" he said smiling, waiting patiently as Namjoon slipped on the jacket, coat, hat and gloves. "Come on, come on! The snow is so thick outside today!" he rolled his eyes as Jin had already bolted out the door, leaving the younger behind. "Yah, wait up" he frowned, pouting as Jin already began gathering a pile of snow. "Oops, sorry..." he snickered, throwing some of the cold frost at the younger, then resuming to making his heap.

One hour

"Jin, that doesn't look like a snowman" Namjoon chuckled, instead of balls of snow, it was one big pile. Jin got bored and couldn't be bothered to make a head, so he began making a face on top of the odd-shaped lump. "It is almost as beautiful as me what are you talking about" he laughed, pushing the carrot into the snow, just below the eyes he had made out of stones. "You're going to freeze to death, let me go make some hot chocolate" Namjoon offered, since Jin's hands were turning purple. However, it was also the perfect excuse to go and retrieve the ring. "I hope he likes it" he smiled, excited that in just a matter of minutes he could be an engaged man, to the love of his life, his best friend. He shook his head, smiling like an idiot as he plodded off to make the drinks.

"Namjoon! Hurry up it's almost midnight!" Jin shouted, he was still outside but could be heard loud and clear all the way from the kitchen. "Okay babe" he grinned to himself, picking up the two mugs of chocolate in his gloved hands, the heat relaxing but still not enough to sooth his shakes of nervousness. "Here you g-" "Quick!" Jin pulled him down, almost spilling the drinks over as he watched the clock on his phone screen. "10...9...8-" Namjoon's hearing became a blur as he focused in on Jin's lips, it wasn't as if he had to wait until midnight to kiss him, but the countdown seemed to make it even more intense, like the build up of watching fireworks fly upwards into the sky before they explode into an array of colours with a loud bang. "1! Happy ne-" Jin's throat emitted a high pitch whining sound as he was cut off by Namjoon's powerful lips covering his. The drinks were already placed on the ground somewhere, Namjoon scooping the elder into his lap as he kissed him deeper, forcefully pushing his lips against his to the point where he was going light headed from the lack of oxygen. He then pulled back, both boys panting for air, it felt like there was fire surrounding them even though the cold air and sharp wind was freezing.

"I love you so fucking much" is all Namjoon said, holding Jin tightly to him. "I love you too, Namjoon, but you cut me off!" he whined, pouting making the younger laugh. Namjoon snapped back into reality, casually bringing his hand behind his back as if he was scratching it, thinking of what to say. "I know we're giving our anniversary gifts to eachother tomorrow when we go out for dinner but... I do have one extra present for you" he exclaimed timidly, looking anxiously around. "What, like a late Christmas present?" he asked innocently, "Yeh, something like that" he smiled, "But I think I dropped it in the snow somewhere... Help me find it? It's in a box" Jin chuckled, pulling himself up to look around, "You're so clumsy". Namjoon sat in front of the box he deposited a few minutes ago, leaning over it, pretending he hadn't found it yet. When Jin wasn't looking, he walked over to the so called 'snowman' to look there instead. His heart was racing. What if he says no? What if he doesn't like the ring? What if I fuck it up? Trying to shove away the doubts, he glanced over and noticed Jin was heading towards the box. "Joonie! I think I found it!" he smiled, crouching down and picking up the small object, confused as to why it was so light once he stood back up.

"Open it" Namjoon called. Jin still hadn't looked back and so began to pull off the ribbon. Lifting the lid, he gasped as he saw a ring, it was gorgeous!

"Joonie, it's so pretty! Like this would go with everything I wear! Howcome it was a late present though? And what did you get it for? You better not have spent loads of money on m-" his rambling was cut short as he turned around, towering over Na...

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"Joonie, it's so pretty! Like this would go with everything I wear! Howcome it was a late present though? And what did you get it for? You better not have spent loads of money on m-" his rambling was cut short as he turned around, towering over Namjoon. The realisation came to him as he took note of his position; crouching down on one knee, he had a nervous but warming smile on his face. "J-Joonie-" his voice shook as he looked down at his boyfriend. "Kim Seokjin, ah, such a pretty name to a pretty face" he began, smiling as he looked up at him. "You know, I never realised how much I wanted to be with you until a little while ago, I always assumed we were as close as could be. Though, I never wanted you out of my sight. I mean, we share a dorm, we bought all place together, we work together, but it still wasn't enough". Jin's eyes began to glisten slightly as he took in all of Namjoon's confession. "I'd love to be one of those people who knew they wanted to marry eachother the second they met, but that's not me. The one thing I do know for certain though, is that I've always wanted to protect you. Ever since I saw you hiding under that table at the school disco, crying because you were scared of the people and the loud noises, I knew I had to protect you".

A choked noise came out of Jin's mouth as he kept looking down, Namjoon gave a somewhat understanding look. "Don't cry baby, you're too beautiful for that..." Jin smiled, wiping his eyes, "Anyway, I know I'm rambling, but I need you to know. I finally figured out that in order to be closer with you it didn't need to be physically closer, I wanted to be more dedicated to you. In order to protect you, I need to be yours forever, I have to be more committed to you than just a boyfriend. I can't offer you everything you deserve, I know that. I can't give you all the money in the world, I can't give you the perfect family you want back like when you were young, I can't give you freedom from your anxiety, but there is one thing you're guaranteed. I can give you all my heart..." Jin cried out again, sniffling slightly, his hands trying to cover his burning cheeks.

"What I'm trying to plain and simply say, Jin, is that I love you. I love you so much I can't bear to lose you, I want to be with you forever, just us, together. So... Jin, will you marry me?" Jin hesitated for a moment, anxiety flaring at the back of his head as he panicked, "What about my parents? The fans? Will they accept us? I don't want you to get hurt..." Namjoon chuckled slightly, standing up so he could grip Jin's dimpled chin in his finger tips. "Jin, do you want to marry me?" he asked again, already knowing the answer. Gulping in a breath of air, he nodded "Yes, yes I do" he gasped, pushing his worries aside as he focused on his boyfriend. "I love you too Joonie, thank you so much" he cried, making Namjoon's shirt slightly damp with tears. "So emotional" he chuckled, though he could feel himself tearing up slightly too.

"Thank you for saying yes" he finally said after a while of silent hugging, "You've made me the happiest guy in the world" he grinned, taking the box out of Jin's shaking hands to place the ring on his finger. "There is one problem though..." Jin frowned making Namjoon worry, "What is it?" "How do we choose a best man?" he tried to hide a smile as he said it, bursting out laughing as he saw how pissed Namjoon's face turned. "I was so worried then you idiot" he hit his back lightly, pulling him into a gentle kiss afterwards. "I actually don't know... how do we choose?" he laughed, mind now clouded with this worry. Though really, he had no worries in the world, no cares left. Jin was fully his, and that was all that mattered now.

A/N - Woah that was long 😂 I just wanted to say thank you for sticking around, I've been so bad at updating lately because so many things have hit me and I'm currently writing this at midnight because I had to update, I feel awful 😓 So thank you really, and I'm so sorry, things have been rough lately. So glad I got to write this chapter though, they're engaged!! I hope you enjoyed it too, but I'm rambling now so have a good day haha 😅

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