Chapter 11 - Omma, can you help me?

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It was a school day, only about a week or so and the two would be off for the Christmas holidays - thank god. Namjoon was just eating his breakfast as he looked out the window, only to see Jin through his bedroom window. It looked as if he was being yelled at; shoulders tense, flinching every two seconds, eyes looking across the room to where - he assumed - his mother was. "What are you looking at Joonie" His mother lay a hand on his shoulder, following his stare. "Umm... Nothing.." "You sure? Something seems to have been bothering you lately".

He shrugged, taking another spoonful of his cereal, he could tell her right? "Omma... Can you help me with something?" She nodded, coming to sit down by him. "What's up?" "Well.. I don't know for sure.. But I think Jinnie's mother has been, well.. Not very nice to him lately" She sighed, she had had some inclination that something was going on; she had heard the shouting sometimes. "I know, do you want me to talk to her? I think she's just going through a hard time because of her husband.. You know?" Namjoon nodded, "Yes please Omma, I just want him to be okay... I don't like to think that he could be in pain...".

"What do you mean pain? As in mentally or physically?" Namjoon fidgeted, he probably shouldn't have said that much. "Namjoon? Do you think his mother is... Abusing him?" "I saw a mark on his arm once.. He wouldn't let me see it and said it was just an accident" "Oh.. Well don't worry, I'll see what I can do.. But you go now or you'll be late for school" He nodded, hugging his mom before picking up his bag and leaving.

The walk to school was nice, it had been a while since Namjoon and Jin had walked together. So, eventhough the day was boring, they were both left with a happier feeling, knowing everything was fine again and back to normal. Well, for the most part it was normal, Jin was considering trying to leave home. It seemed ridiculous, but he couldn't stand how his mom would yell at him, often for things he didn't even do. Though, most of all he felt ashamed, as though he didn't belong in her house for the way he was, he thought his mom deserved much better than him. "You're still coming to mine right?" Namjoon asked him as they left the school gates. "Yeah... As long as it's okay with your mom" "Yeah it's fine", he smiled.

Meanwhile, their mothers were currently talking in Jin's house, Jin's mom being almost in hysterics. "I don't know what's wrong with me.. I didn't mean to.. I don't.. I just couldn't deal with all this, he's been cheating on me I'm sure of it" "I know, just.. If it goes any further, you know you could be charged for abuse right?" She nodded, accepting the others hug. "I'm so sorry, he doesn't hate me does he?" "Well.. I can't speak for him but I'm sure he feels pretty neglected right now".

As Jin got inside Namjoon's house, they got some food before going up to Namjoon's bedroom. Namjoon noticed that Jin wasn't really eating that much lately and so decided to help him implicitly, so without directly saying he needed help. "So, what do you want to do?" Jin shrugged, laying down on Namjoon's bed. "Can't we just chill? I rarely get to.." Namjoon nodded, switching on the TV for some background noise. "You alright then?" The younger said, breaking the awkward silence between both of them. "I'm okay I just... You know how my mom is and.. I just wish things could go back to normal.." "Awh Jin, I know.. It'll be okay though" Jin rolled over on his side to face him better, Namjoon still lying on his back. "I missed you.." Jin shyly admitted, eyes fluttering beneath his long fringe.

"Come here, calm down" He noticed Jin's slight watery eyes, embracing him in a tight hug. The pair lay down for what seemed like forever, the few tears from Jin's eyes landing on Namjoon's shirt, he was rubbing his back softly as to sooth him. "It's okay, I'm here now". He took advantage of the fact that Jin was being so close to him, he secretly enjoyed the feeling of having his best friend cuddled up to him, it felt right, almost. So, when Jin had to go home, it was painful on both ends.

"Omma, I'm home" Jin called, squinting his eyes in fear of being yelled at again. "Oh Jin... I'm so sorry" she came running down the stairs, wrapping him in so tight of a hug he felt as if his ribs would break. "What have I done.. I'm so sorry I.. It's just your father he's been.. Well I shouldn't be making excuses, this is all my fault.. Oh my sweet little angel I'm so sorry" He couldn't help but cry with his mother, she didn't mean to cause any harm but she's always had issues with anger, dealing with bad situations and such. "It's okay Omma, I'm fine" She pulled back, holding his face in her hands, "I promise I won't do this again, but your father-" "Omma I know, okay? I realised a long time ago" She sighed, at least she wouldn't have to explain that as well. "Just.. You do love me right?" He asked, while helping her up since they had both lost balance when crying, landing on their knees.

"Of course I do Jinnie, I can't tell you how sorry I am... I do love you of course I do" He smiled, things were slowly falling back into place. "To think, I was so delusional I even thought you were gay!" She laughed, wiping her eyes, though Jin froze slightly, debating whether or not to tell her. "Oh.. I wasn't imagining that?" Jin silently shook his head, "So.. My little boy is... You're.." "Yes Omma, I'm sorry" She shook her head, clearly wanting to be supportive, though Jin could see right through her. He could tell that she still wasn't completely okay with this. "It'll be alright, umm.. Why don't we have dinner?" Jin nodded, at least she was back to herself again, even if she wanted her son to be straight. All worries were aside now, Jin finally getting some decent sleep as he dozed off, thanking to thin air repeatedly; "Thank you for getting my Omma back".

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